Sunday, September 22nd, 2024

AN IMPRESSIVE 756 walkers descended on The Vine in Sevenoaks recently to take part in Hospice in the Weald’s Moonlight Walk.

SOME 'changeable' weather did not deter the army of golfers who competed in the Sevenoaks Chamber of Commerce Golf Day at Nizels Golf & Country Club recently.

A FASCINATING and informative exhibition about the history of Sevenoaks has been organised by the Sevenoaks Society at the Kaleidoscope Gallery in Sevenoaks library. It is open from

Do you need a game plan to get in shape for your summer holiday? Look no further as Chris Wharton, Director at the Better Body Group gives you

BUSINESSES in the Sevenoaks area, particularly those connected with sport, are being invited to promote their brands and services by supporting a Skate Park event at Greatness on

PRODUCTION of the Volkswagen ID.3 - a new generation of progressive electric vehicles - will be underway before the year is out according to the German car manufacturers.

THE POPULAR professionally-led cycle rides in the Sevenoaks area return this summer with a focus on building up confidence on two wheels.

My Sevenoaks Community Editor Frank Baldwin found a feast for foodies when he hiked ancient pilgrim paths in the Tirol

WILDERNESSE Golf Club in Sevenoaks will be hosting a Regional Qualifying event for The Open Championship on Monday 24 June.