Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Rebecca Welham shares her delight as Welham Jones Turns 30!

As a local Sevenoaks girl, I was only young when my family opened Welham Jones. I remember many a family meeting between them all round the dining table at home having discussion and making plans. At the time I had no idea or understanding of what a funeral was or what it was like to lose a loved one.

Since the age of seven I have grown up with funerals, it has become second nature to me and I guess has made me more aware of it now as an adult, and that it isn’t something to be feared, but to embrace, understand, support and be there for each other.

The Welham Jones family was the joining of two families, Welham being my father’s (Simon) side and Jones being my mother (Sandra) and Grandfather (Mac). For many in Sevenoaks, Mac Jones was well known in the area and a big part of the local community. Until his death in 2014 my grandfather had over 60 years’ experience within the funeral industry, working for firms in London, Sevenoaks.

Welham Jones opened on 2nd September 1992. Our flagship branch is the notoriously iconic local “French’s Dairy” building at the bottom of St Botolph’s Road. Both families played a huge part in making Welham Jones a success in the early days.

Over these years we have seen many changes, we have expanded, growing from one funeral home to now seven, covering a wide area in NW Kent and SE London.

We have survived a global pandemic, changes across the industry as a whole and learning new ways in how to move the funeral industry forward and embracing new technologies.

Some 30 years later, we remain an independent and family-owned company, something I for one am immensely proud of and long hope to be a part of. Today Welham Jones is run by father and daughter team, Simon & Rebecca Welham.

What will happen in the next 30 years I wonder…I guess there is only one way to find out, follow our journey and we will guide you through it all…

T: 01732 742400
F: @welhamjonesfuneraldirectors
I: @welhamjones








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