Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Local business steps in with generous offer to help secure future of Weald Cricket Club which celebrates 125th anniversary next season

There was an above average attendance at the recent Weald Cricket Club AGM in The Windmill Pub. This was because the future of the club is in doubt as the finances and lack of players means that on paper, the club is not in a financially viable position to carry on next season.

There was a great deal of discussion about how to ensure the cricket club has a future and hopes have been raised thanks to a generous offer from Richard Marchant, on behalf of local business, R. Marchant & Sons. They have agreed to cover the cost of pre-season nets next year when potential new players can be invited to attend.

There was enough enthusiasm at the AGM for players and supporters to keep Weald Cricket Club going and to make further efforts to fulfil next season’s league fixtures. Ian Hewett was named as the new Captain.

Ian said: “We had the meeting about the future of the cricket club and decided that with the 125th anniversary approaching, we would give it a big push for the next season. I’ve agreed to take over as captain and, with generous support from the Marchants, we will have some indoor nets in the New Year.”

The club is appealing for village residents to spread the word that all comers are welcome to join Weald CC in either a playing or non-playing capacity. Budding umpires, scorers, supporters, treasurers, groundsmen/women are all welcome. As well as the net sessions on the New Year, there is coaching for beginners.

Weald currently play on Saturday in the local league and last season had players from a wide range of ages and abilities. You can register your interest by calling or sending a message to Ian Hewett on 07754 378355

A diary date – on Sunday 24 May Weald Cricket Club will celebrate its 125th Anniversary with a special game. More details will follow nearer the time, but the club is hoping to see as many current and former players, village community members, fellow Weald sports club players and more to join them for what should be a great day.

BE ON YOUR GUARD: A Weald resident recently challenged a young man who she spotted in her mother’s garden. He was wearing a dark top, dark baseball cap and drawstring bag with pale grey jogging bottoms. When approached he leapt over a fence into a neighbouring garden and ran away. The police were informed but did not attend.

HALF TERM TENNIS COACHING: Naomi Fenn is organising a series of tennis coaching sessions in Weald for young players, or children who would like to learn play. A mini tennis camp is being held at half term on Tuesday 22 October and Wednesday 23 October. Naomi is also offering classes on Saturday mornings. The group for children aged 5-8 will run from 9.15am – 10am and for children aged 9-11 from 11am – noon. For more information please email Naomi at:

POPPY MAKING: On Sunday 13 October between 10:30am and 12:30pm the Sunday Club at St. Georges Church is inviting the older parish generations to join forces in the Church Rooms to make poppies for Remembrance Sunday. The poppies will be made from felt, wool, and other materials and the older generations will be helping the younger generations craft the poppies using sewing, stitching, gluing and knitting. This will be a chance for the older generations to share remembrance stories with the children

The finished items – which can be finished or continued at home after the event – will be presented by the children as part of the Remembrance Day service. If you are interested in being a part of this project, please contact Roberta Briant by email on: or telephone 07939 275649

The Weald Village news is compiled by Susan Gidman. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the village column you can call her on 01732 454222 or email it to her at:

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