Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Have you booked your flu vaccination? Dates now available at Otford and Kemsing surgeries

FLU VACCINATIONS are available until 17 November at Otford and Kemsing Doctors Surgeries and appointments are now available for the following groups of patients: Children aged 2 – 3 (Fluenz Nasal Spray) – children in Reception and Years 1 – 5 will be offered vaccination at school – Adults over 65: Pregnant Mothers: Carers: Those aged six months to 65 with long-term conditions e.g. Diabetes, BMI over 40, Organ problems, weakened Immune System: Anyone living with a person with a weakened Immune System: Anyone in a residential or nursing home: All frontline health and social care workers.  Sessions are from 9am to noon on the following dates:  Otford Surgery Saturdays 13 October and 10 November.  Kemsing Surgery Saturday 20 October 20 and 17 November.  Call Otford Surgery 01959 523929 to book your appointment.

RSPB Sevenoaks Local Group meet at 7.45 on Thursday 4 October, in the Memorial Hall for a talk by John Buckingham entitled ‘Birds and Wildlife of Costa Rica’.  Group members £2.50, non-members £3.50, call 01959 563530 for further details.

THE GREAT STORM. Author and journalist Bob Ogley will be giving a talk on the ‘The Great Storm of 1987’ at Otford Library at 7pm on Wednesday, 10 October.  Tickets cost £4, refreshments included, but booking is essential.  For further information please speak to a member of library staff or call 03000 413131 and ask to be connected to Otford Library, or email

TABLE TOP SALE. Otford Evening WI hold is holding its annual Table Top Sale from 9am on Saturday 6 October 6 in the Memorial Hall.  There will be bargains for all.  Entrance 50p, children free.

FIRE TALK. Otford WI will be meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 11 October in the Club Room of the Memorial Hall to hear speaker Andy Thompson talk about Lewes and Bonfire Night.  Andy will give an insightful glimpse of this vibrant town of mystery and tradition. Visitors are always welcome to join and if more information is required contact their President 01959 524831.

DESIGNER FLORIST, Denise Thompson, is holding an Autumn workshop at 7pm on Monday October 29 when you can make a beautiful Autumn arrangement. Everything will be provided, except scissors/secateurs, so take along your own. The cost is £40 and this includes some light refreshments. Contact Denise on 01959 525009 to book your place or call in and see her in her Otford High Street shop.

OTFORD VILLAGE HALL refurbishment fund committee is hosting a production of Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Importance of Being Ernest’ at 7.30pm on Sunday October 14. Tickets cost £10 per adult and £5 for 12-16 year-olds, although it is not suitable for under 12’s, and are available now from Denise (Florists) and Otford Parish Council Offices, High Street, Yvonnes (Corner Shop) Telston Lane or from  The doors and cash bar open at 7pm, the performance runs for 90 minutes, with an interval, and an approximate end time of 9.15pm.

QUIZ NIGHT. There will be a Quiz Night from 7pm on Saturday October 13 in Otford Tea Rooms, at 11a High Street, to raise funds for Hospices of Hope.  The cost is £12 per person to include a light supper and teams of 4-6 are commended although individuals can be incorporated into smaller teams.  See their website for details of other fund-raising events or email or phone 01959 525110.

If you can spare a little time to volunteer each week on a regular basis, the charity is also recruiting for their friendly team in both the charity and tea shop.  This is an opportunity to donate some time to a charity in a caring environment.   If you can help in any way, please call Julie 01959 524322 for a chat about the various opportunities available.

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS. There will be a public meeting on Saturday 3 November in Otford Memorial Hall.  Information on the traffic proposals will be on display from 1pm and a presentation covering the proposals will begin at 2pm, followed by a question and answer session. The presentation will include a speaker, Adrian Berendt, from the ‘20’s Plenty’ campaign for Kent.  For details on the traffic proposals please visit the Parish Council website at: and go to ‘Documents’ and then select ‘Traffic Management Report’.  You will have an opportunity to let the Parish Council know whether you support the proposals being recommended via a Traffic Management Questionnaire.

CHURCH HALL OPTIONS APPRAISAL. There are some revised dates for the Church Hall Options Appraisal.  St Bart’s church is inviting the village community to an Open Morning on Saturday 17 November to hear the outcome of the Church Hall Options Appraisal having extended the period during which the village community can submit their views to 3 November. The PCC will then consider the submissions of both the church and the village at its Open Morning.   The goal is to find a long-term solution that brings benefit to both community and church, which is in line with the values of St Bart’s and, importantly, which is financially viable.

DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. If you enjoy Ballroom, Latin, and Sequence dancing then this monthly event will be just right for you.  Spend the evening dancing, have a drink, and a chat, while you dance the night away. Monthly dances have been held in Otford Memorial Hall for nearly 30 years on a Sunday evening but the number of people ballroom dancing is on the decline so if this is something you enjoy go along and join the fun.  Entrance is £5.50, times are 7.30pm – 10.15pm. Take along your own drinks.  To find out more call 01474 324759 or email

CONGRATULATIONS to Otford Cricket Club’s first team which finished 3rd in the 4th Division of the Kent County Village League for 2018. Otford 2nds also won promotion from Division 7 to Division 6 on the last day of the season.  This was an outstanding overall club performance.   Well done to the whole club on a great effort this season.

HALLOWE’EN DIXIELAND STOMP.  Join the Dixieland Stomp featuring the Bosville Valley Stompers in Otford Memorial Hall, High Street, Otford TN14 5PQ on Sunday 28 October from 7pm. All proceeds in aid of Breast Cancer Care. A raffle and light refreshments will be available (or BYO). Advance ticket £5, on door £7.



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