Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

Future of Archbishop’s Palace in Otford secured with signing of 99-year lease

OTFORD PALACE: The lease has been signed! The Archbishop’s Palace Conservation Trust and Sevenoaks District Council have announced that a 99 year lease of the Archbishop’s Palace site and buildings was completed on 19 September.

This means that the Trust can now start to make progress with many aspects of the project, including seeking funding for the work needed to create the interpretation centre and exhibition spaces in the North West Tower, and the renovation of the Gatehouse which, in the longer term, will become a secure educational study centre. A joint celebration to mark the signing with SDC is planned in October on a date to be announced.

Purcell Architects have completed a detailed feasibility study which will provide the foundations of more detailed plans. The study will also be the basis for funding applications which can be prepared and submitted now that the lease is signed. Sections of the study on the Palace will be published on their website as soon as practical. This and other recent news stories on the progress of the project can be found on the Palace website at:

PARISH COUNCIL:  A reminder that Otford Parish Council meets every month in the Memorial Hall on the second Monday of each month and at every meeting there is a 10-minute public forum to which residents are invited. The next meeting is on Monday 14 October. To contact the Parish Council call 01959 524808 or visit the website:

OTFORD OAST WI next meets at 9.30am on Thursday 17 October in Otford Memorial Hall to hear a talk by Hugh Alford on ‘Space is Big’. New members are welcome, and the first meeting is free. For further information email:

HISTORIC BROMANCE: St Bartholomew’s Church and Otford Methodist are hosting the musical ‘A Turbulent Priest’ to come to St Bartholomew’s on Saturday,19 October. The show sees Thomas Becket returning to Otford with King Henry II, 850 years after Beckett was murdered in Canterbury. Becket is reported as saying he particularly enjoyed staying in Otford while he was Archbishop (1162-1170). This musical by James Cary and James Sherwood retells the medieval bromance in sketch and song between Henry and Becket. The two-man show is both funny and thought provoking. It illustrates what can happen when the worlds of political power and Christian faith collide. Messrs Cary & Sherwood are both sitcom writers for BBC TV & Radio and have collaborated previously with A Monk’s Tale and The God Particle.

Following performances at the Edinburgh Fringe, ‘A Turbulent Priest’ is touring the UK. The show lasts one hour 45 min with a short interval and will be followed by wine and canapés. Tickets are £12 (main aisle) £8 (side aisle – restricted view but also projected on big screen). They can be purchased either from the Box Office by calling 01959 524304 or online from:

FLU VACCINATION: Otford Medical Practice flu vaccination campaign for winter will be available on Monday 7 October from 10.30am to noon at Kemsing Surgery for patients over 65, Saturday 12 October from 9am to noon at Kemsing Surgery for patients under 65, Saturday 19 October from 9am to noon  at Otford Surgery for all ages and Saturday 26 October 9am to noon at Otford Surgery for patients over 65. Eligible for a jab will be children aged two to three (Fluenz Nasal Spray) with reception and years 1 to 5 year children being offered a vaccination at school. Adults over 65, pregnant women, carers and anyone else with a long term condition e.g. diabetes, COPD, BMI over 40, organ problems, weakened immune system. Anyone with a learning disability or living with a person with a weakened immune system and anyone in a residential or nursing home. Call Otford surgery 01959 523929 to book an appointment.

PARKING PETITION: ‘Stop unsafe parking on Station Road’ is the name of the petition residents are being asked to sign by clicking on  Vehicles regularly park on Station Road on both the road and on the pavement causing an obstruction to pedestrians, motorists and cyclists. This petition is asking for your support to implement controls to present this.  You are being asked to support this petition to reduce delays and improve safety for the whole community.

OTFORD TENNIS CLUB located in a beautiful setting on the High Street Recreation Ground, is looking for new members and welcomes players of all standards. There is a clubhouse and three tennis courts, two of which are floodlit. Rennis is played all year round. The club also has adult and junior coaching sessions provided by LTA accredited coaches. If you would like more information please contact their membership secretary, Alison Sykes on 01959 522050 or email:

HISTORY LESSON: Three history groups meet regularly in the Otford Memorial Hall. The Otford and District Historical Society (ODHS), the 1940s Society, and the North-West Kent Family History Society (NWKFHS). Meetings of all societies are open to the public.

ODHS annual membership from September to May for nine meetings is £10 per adult, or £3 per meeting. The 1940s Society has six meetings per year and admission is £3 per meeting. Annual membership for the NWKFHS is £10 and visitors are asked for a contribution. Refreshments are available at all meetings. Doors open at 7.30pm and the talks generally start at 8pm.

OTFORD LUNCH CLUB: Would you like to join Otford Lunch Club, for older residents, which takes place from 11.45am every Thursday in the village Memorial Hall on the High Street? The Club is a welcoming place for local residents to go along and socialise with friends, old and news. It is run by a dedicated team of volunteers and members enjoy a welcoming cup of coffee or tea followed by a hot nutritious two course meal each week. It may be possible to arrange transport for those who need it. To find out more please contact Margaret Nicholson 01959 524147.

DIAL 2 DRIVE is seeking volunteer drivers to take elderly/disabled people to a medical appointment or shopping just one a week. If you own a car and would like to help please contact them on 0300 777 1200 or email:

The Otford village news is compiled by Kay Drake. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email her at:


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