Sevenoaks RFC 1sts returned to winning ways on Saturday at Knole Paddock thanks to a hard fought, two-converted-tries-to-one victory over Brighton Blues.
The Hospice in the Weald candlelit Carols at Christmas on Tuesday 17 December will be an entertaining evening of festive carols, music and readings, performed by local choirs.
Congratulations to Pauline Penny and her team of volunteers whose efforts saw them win a Gold Award for Eynsford in the annual South East In Bloom competition for
A small crowd gathered in the grounds of St Mary's Church in Riverhead on Tuesday to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Bridget Aurea Teresa Lambarde
STAN Miles’ barber shop in Otford may not be very large, but more than 100 people crammed in to it throughout a day-long open house retirement party recently
A beautiful patchwork bed quilt ornamented with lovely pansies made by Eynsford’ s 'Sew n Sews' quilting group will be raffled in September in aid of raising funds