A Sevenoaks-based vehicle key and anti-theft expert came to the aid of TV star and electrician Billy Byrne when his van was broken into while the DIY SOS
Anna-Marie Schwodler has completely revamped the interior and exterior of a South Park premises in Sevenoaks and has opened it up as The Café and Sandwich Bar.
A SPECIAL month-long arts festival begins in Sevenoaks on 1 November, featuring poetry, drama, film and art. It has been organised by The Stag theatre to mark 100
SEVENOAKS District Council's approach to promoting health and wellbeing was one of the topics covered at the World Health Organisation's recent Healthy Cities Conference in Belfast.
SALLY Walton, who won Olympic gold in the women’s field hockey event at Rio 2016, officially opened Aldi’s new Sevenoaks store on Thursday (11 October) - and there
POLICE Patrols will carry Bobby Buddies in their vehicles and give them to young people who may be experiencing a traumatic event, such as being involved in a
IT is 100 years since the end of World War One (1914 – 1918) and preparations are already underway in and around Sevenoaks to commemorate this anniversary.