Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Anyone for tennis? New members welcome at Otford

OTFORD TENNIS CLUB located in a beautiful setting on the High Street Recreation Ground, is looking for new members and welcomes players of all standards. There is a clubhouse and three tennis courts, two of which are floodlit. Rennis is played all year round. The club also has adult and junior coaching sessions provided by LTA accredited coaches. If you would like more information please contact their membership secretary, Alison Sykes on 01959 522050 or email:

OTFORD VILLAGE FETE: The Annual General Meeting takes place in the Hope Room of the Memorial Hall starting at 7.45 on Wednesday 25 September. The AGM is an opportunity for the committee to report on this year’s fete and for residents to find out the plans for 2020. Doors open at 7.30pm and refreshments will be served during the evening. They are still fund raising to give a guide dog puppy an Otford themed name and if you would like to help them reach their target please visit

OTFORD SCOUTS took part in a sponsored hike in May this year and raised an impressive £1,600 for two charities – Hospice in the Weald and Sevenoaks Community First Responders. The money raised will be split evenly between the two. The Scout group would like to thank all the scouts, parents and supporters of this event, those that walked with them and those who donated to these two great causes.

HISTORY LESSON: Three history groups meet regularly in the Otford Memorial Hall. The Otford and District Historical Society (ODHS), the 1940s Society, and the North-West Kent Family History Society (NWKFHS). Meetings of all societies are open to the public.

ODHS annual membership from September to May for nine meetings is £10 per adult, or £3 per meeting. The 1940s Society has six meetings per year and admission is £3 per meeting. Annual membership for the NWKFHS is £10 and visitors are asked for a contribution. Refreshments are available at all meetings. Doors open at 7.30pm and the talks generally start at 8pm.

ODHS meets on Wednesday, 18 September for a talk by Alan Wiliams on ‘Otford Goes to War’ (part 1), 75 years ago – Doodlebugs down the Darent Valley’.

OTFORD LUNCH CLUB: Would you like to join Otford Lunch Club, for older residents, which takes place from 11.45am every Thursday in the village Memorial Hall on the High Street? The Club is a welcoming place for local residents to go along and socialise with friends, old and news. It is run by a dedicated team of volunteers and members enjoy a welcoming cup of coffee or tea followed by a hot nutritious two course meal each week. It may be possible to arrange transport for those who need it. To find out more please contact Margaret Nicholson 01959 524147.

CLEANER WANTED: The Otford Memorial Hall management is looking for someone to work for two hours each day on Saturday and Sunday mornings (alternatively possibly Friday and Saturday evenings) and also provide holiday/sickness cover for their existing cleaner and the Hall Manger. For further details please call the Hall Manager on 07887 780576 or email:

COME AND PLAY is held at the Otford Evangelical Church every Friday morning during term time from 9.15 to 11.15 starting on Friday, 6 September. All babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their grown-up are invited to join in for lots of fun play activities, including painting, playdough, trains, puzzles, books, roleplay and construction. Please contact 07510 909035, email: or visit

DIAL 2 DRIVE is seeking volunteer drivers to take elderly/disabled people to a medical appointment or shopping just one a week. If you own a car and would like to help please contact them on 0300 777 1200 or email:

 The Otford village news is compiled by Kay Drake. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email her at:


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