Monday, March 31st, 2025

Riverhead villagers asked to help commemorate end of First World War by knitting 1,000 poppies

KNIT FOR REMEMBRANCE: To commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War, Riverhead Parish Council, together with the residents of Riverhead, are organising a memorial display at The Heights to honour those who lost their lives fighting for their country.

One of the ideas is to replicate the very eye-catching arrangement of knitted poppies which are now displayed around The Vine gardens in Sevenoaks. To create a fitting tribute, at least 1,000 knitted poppies will be needed. Many people are already knitting and if you would like to take part in Riverhead’s own ‘river of poppies’ display, you can find the very simple pattern on the Parish Council website at Alternatively, the simple pattern is available from Batchelor’s Butchers in The Square or from Priti Patel in Londis in White Hart Parade. Graham Batchelor also has a display about this initiative in his shop window.

You can take your knitted poppies – as many as you can manage – to the Parish Council Office at the Village Hall on Monday and Thursday mornings or drop them through the letterbox at The Old Farm, Chipstead Lane, Riverhead. If you would like them to be collected call Shirley Stewart on 07710 553977. It is hoped to begin assembling the memorial display in late September.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: The next monthly meeting of Riverhead Parish Council will be on Monday 17 September at 7.30pm in the Committee Room at the Village Hall. Residents are always welcome to attend these meetings. If there are any local matters that you would like to raise in Open Council near the beginning of the proceedings it would be appreciated if you could notify Caroline, the Parish Clerk, beforehand. Phone 01732 461278 or email The agenda is posted about a week beforehand on the village noticeboards and also on the council website at as are those for meetings of the planning committee. The Parish Clerk has an office (open Mondays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 12.30pm) at the Village Hall and phone messages and emails are picked up regularly at other times. The Village Hall and the Committee Room are available for hire.

LEARN ABOUT U3A: Riverhead residents are invited to an Open Afternoon being held at the Sevenoaks Community Centre at Bat and Ball on Monday 24 September at 2pm. U3A (University of the Third Age) is a UK movement of retired and semi-retired people who come together to continue their educational, social and creative interests in a friendly and informal environment. Members of local U3As draw upon their knowledge and experience to teach and learn from each other. It’s all voluntary, run in informal activity sessions, covering many different subjects. Members meet new people, make new friends, learn new things and have lots of fun together.

PARKLAND FENCE AND WORKING PARTY: Work has been carried out on replacing the old wooden palings along the Parkland boundary with London Road near Brittains Lane with a stock-proof fence. This work was paid for by a grant from Cory Environmental Trust. The new bridge in the Parkland also looks great and the area of new grass where brambles have been cleared along the stream is coming along well.

The next Riverhead Parkland Working Party will be held on Wednesday, 12 September from 9.30am to 11.30am when the small volunteer group of Riverhead Parish Councillors and local residents would welcome you to join them. This large and lovely open parkland area is a real asset to the village but help is needed to keep it looking good. Tools and refreshments are provided but do come appropriately clad, including sturdy footwear and gardening gloves. Fresh air and good company! Meet at the entrance to the Parkland off St Mary’s Drive at 9.30am. More information on the Parish Council web-site at or phone 01732 461278. Or why not take a walk through the Parkland on Wednesday morning to see what goes on?

CHIPSTEAD WI: The next meeting of Chipstead WI, which always welcomes Riverhead residents, will be on Tuesday 11 September starting at 8pm. The speaker will be John Yarrow who will be telling tales of The Ups and Downs of a Wedding Photographer. The venue, as always, is Chevening Parish Hall, Homedean Rd, Chipstead (TN13 2RU). For more information about Chipstead WI call Janet Sharp on 01732 452715 or email

ST MARY’S PRE SCHOOL: The Pre-School, in Riverhead Village Hall, takes children from 2½ years old, and still has a few places left for September starters, so if you’re looking for a place for your child contact the Supervisor at or via their website where you can also find out more. The school will have a stall at Riverhead Carnival this Sunday 16 September on Chipstead Common.

RIVERHEAD CARNIVAL – SUNDAY 16 SEPTEMBER: This great community occasion starting at noon, is a big annual fund-raiser by the local Scouts whose volunteer leaders provide year-round weekly activities for over 200 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. A technical issue means that some people who tried to book stalls may not have received a reply as messages did not get through. If you were effected please email your message again to or Please note, no more refreshment stalls are required as these are provided by the 3rd Sevenoaks Scout Group themselves. As well as many stalls there will also be bouncy castles, coconut shy, big slide and tombolas, plus beer tent, teas, ice creams and  burger stall. The ever-popular egg-throwing competition will be happening again as well as the new improved dog show generously sponsored by Sevenoaks Animal Feeds so bring your dog too. The Bullfinch Pub and Frank’s Barbers are again sponsoring the Carnival by providing the beer and soft drinks. Toilets will be provided. Parking is very limited, so everyone is encouraged to walk there.


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