Message from Sevenoaks Mayor to residents of Sevenoaks regarding Coronavirus
Dear Sevenoaks Resident

Sevenoaks Town Mayor Nicholas Busvine OBE.
The Coronavirus pandemic is now impacting on all of us. We are all worried and uncertain about the future. It is terribly important that we continue to follow government advice on how to mitigate the risks associated with this disease.
While central and local government have their roles to play, we all know in our hearts that all of us who are in a position to do so will need to step up to the plate and do their bit as this crisis plays out. My core message to the residents of Sevenoaks Town is: ‘Be a Good Neighbour – Your Community Needs You’.
I am grateful to those residents (including Residents’ Associations and Neighbourhood Watch groups) who have already started to organise support for vulnerable and older people in their streets. There is an excellent page on Facebook called ‘Care for our Community – Sevenoaks’, which offers support for those who want to get the ball rolling with their neighbours.
I must also strongly advise that any person receiving offers of support – such as to do the shopping – should confirm that the volunteer is a genuine neighbour and not a fraudster.
Sevenoaks Town Council’s priority is to maintain public services and continue to support voluntary organisations wherever possible.
Councillor Nicholas Busvine OBE
Mayor of Sevenoaks
16 March 2020