Get your apples turned into juice on home made press outside Weald Community Shop
APPLE PRESS: Mike and Judy Whiddett will be stationed outside the Weald Community Shop on Saturday 28 September between 08.30am – noon with their fabulous apple-juicing machine. Mike made the apple press about 12 years ago, based on a traditional design and using oak from nearby Bore Place. Take your own apples and containers and take home the juice produced. Mike will advise you what can be added to help preserve it or it can be frozen. If you don’t have your own stash of apples, then consider buying a pot of jam that Judy has made to raise funds for the shop. After juicing you could pop up to St George’s church for their monthly coffee morning in the church rooms from 10am – noon.
SHOW WINNERS: Winners at the recent Weald Horticultural Show included Brian Jarvis who lifted the Willis Trophy for sweet peas as well as a Sweet Pea Society. Carol Ryman won the Malcolm Pierson Memorial Cup for most points in the show. Chris Andrew was awarded the Fauchon Challenge Cup for a combination of cookery and flower arrangements. Paul Allen won the Mackney Challenge Cup. Sheila Turley won both the Pat Thomas Trophy for her flower arranging and a Silver Plate for ‘Best in Show’.
FUND RAISER: Saturday 7 September was a busy day in Weald. After dropping off their exhibits for the Horticultural Show or taking part in the village walk, many villagers and friends went to a coffee morning at Lawrence Cottage on Windmill Road. Karen Elsom, along with her sister and her niece (pictured), organised the event as a fund raiser in memory of her great niece, Lily, who, sadly, lost her battle with cancer last year when she was only three years old. The morning raised more than £850 which has been sent to the childhood cancer charity, Children’s Cancer & Leukaemia Group (CCLG).
SHOP HELP: New volunteers are needed for the Weald Community Shop, to assist on the till, serve in the café, and help out behind the scenes. In particular, the shop is short of regular volunteers for opening on Sundays. Hours required are 08.45-11.30am.
LITTER PICK: Following the successful village litter-pick earlier in the year the Parish Council has decided to hold them on a regular basis. The next one has been organised for Saturday 28 September leaving from the Memorial Hall at 10.30am. Litter-picking equipment will be available as well as tabards and gloves. Please go along and help if you can.
GOLDEN OLDIES: The‘Golden oldies’ film club continues with a showing of the well-known foot tapping western musical, ‘Calamity Jane’ starring Doris Day. It is being screened on Monday 7 October at 2pm in St Georges Church. Please contact Sarah Griffiths on 01732 463458 if you would like more info or send an email to sarah_highview@hotmail.com