Friday, September 13th, 2024
simon lee unlimited courage

From Self-Doubt To Self-Leadership: 7 Resources Every Man Should Look At

Masculinity can be described as a set of behaviours, attributes and roles associated with men and boys. Breadwinner, provider, leader, self-sufficient, and successful are just a few of the traits that come to mind.

Whilst all these qualities are admirable, it’s a rather tall order that places a lot of pressure on the men of today – from adolescent boys trying to find their way in the world to men much later in life. Whilst men are fixating on living up to society’s expectations, are they really giving themselves the opportunity to know themselves? It goes for everyone really, if you don’t know yourself how can you ever hope to reach your potential and live a life of fulfilment?

What if we told you that – in Sevenoaks – there’s an untapped resource that has been here for over three whole decades!  Unlimited Courage is a the most complete coaching approach for men to be found anywhere.


“The most complete coaching approach available for men in the U.K”




Simon Lee, Mindset Mastery Coach for Men and Founder of Unlimited Courage

In his 35 years as a coach, Simon Lee is a master of his craft.

A resilience and courage coach and mentor for men and teenage boys, Simon has studied Eastern and Western philosophy and psychology as well as mindfulness, nutrition and physical conditioning.

Whether in a group or 1-2-1 setting, his teachings are rooted in the core belief that “only a man who has command over himself can lead and inspire others.”

Simon’s business, Unlimited Courage, seeks to cultivate emotional resilience in men and redefine strength and success so that they may go on to lead rich and fulfilled lives.

We’ve interviewed Simon in the past – for an in-depth interview of how Simon came to be in this line of work, read our blog ‘Interview With The Mindset Coach Who Is Changing The Narrative On Men’s Mental Health.




7 Resources To Help You Become The Man You Were Born To Be


Are you successful ‘on paper’ but still feeling unfulfilled? Have you gone through a life-changing experience (fatherhood, for example) and want to review the moral code you live by? Or maybe you just have an interest in philosophy? Simon’s style of coaching could be for you.

On the recently revamped Unlimited Courage website, you’ll find a plethora of resources to get you ready to take that next step.


‘Kingmakers’ – Group Coaching

Join a group of like-minded group of men for this 6 month online coaching programme. It’s a real personal development course, that will set the standard for men’s coaching. it s the beginning of your own hero’s journey so that you may live in a manner that propels you towards the life you want and the society you want to live in.

This coaching is for the following men:

  • Do you feel like you’re living below your potential?
  • Is there something you really want to do but are not sure how to get there?
  • Have you tried life coaching, therapy and other coaching methods but still feel the same?
  • Is your career successful, but you still feel unfulfilled and unhappy?
  • Do you feel your life lacks meaning, passion, purpose and focus?
  • Are you always grasping at a future arrival point to be confident, happy and content?
  • Do you want to be the best version of yourself for you and your family?

Learn more about the Kingmakers course


I am now able to speak in from of teams at work – because finding out who I am has enabled me to speak with confidence and believe in what I am saying. It’s made me physically better off, mentally better off and the confidence aspect has been amazing. ~ Neil Scott


FREE training: Audio Lesson Download

Courage & The High Performance Life is 51-minute audio you can download and listen to at your leisure. We love the convenience of being able to access these teachings wherever you are – on-the-go during your daily commute, at the gym or as you go about your daily errands (cooking in the kitchen has proved to be a popular time amongst audiobook and podcast-lovers).

This audio lesson is broken down into 3 parts and includes the following (and MUCH more!)

  • The conflict within all men
  • Why people pleasing is so dangerous
  • Reconnecting with the hero we set out to be
  • Identifying who will support you and who won’t
  • Discovering a guiding vision

Go here to listen and download Simon’s audio lesson



TV Interview – GBNews

Simon’s TV interview on GBNews received such a great response that they’ve asked him to return so watch this space! In this interview, Simon discusses helping young men deal with anxiety and depression, post-traumatic growth and overcoming trauma to channel it into potential.




Podcast – 4 Guys, 1 Brain Cell

Simon was invited to join the ‘4 Guys, 1 Brain Cell’ podcast and what transpired was very poignant, candid and powerful interview.

Simon dives into his childhood which is sadly a catalogue of unprocessed, family trauma and a long-standing history of violence. Simon shares the feeling of powerlessness, navigating the cruelty from family members, the guilt that attached itself to him and the ongoing inner battle of light vs dark.

You can listen to the podcast on Spotify here. Listener discretion is advised.




Book – The Courage Project: The Counter Poise To Fear

At the end of last year, Simon authored and self-published his first book: The Courage Project: The Counter Poise To Fear. It’s a short read that packs a punch with some powerful messaging:

“Men have lost their way. The honour, integrity and code of courage they once lived by, is giving way to fear and fragility. As a direct result of this quiet complacency, a societal, moral degradation is rising alongside an authority of cowardice. The courage project is a powerful call to reignite the minds of men. It is an urgency of change, not just for ourselves but for women, children and the very future of the world.”

Tv presenter, Neil Oliver, personally requested a copy and has promised to provide a review – watch this space!

You can purchase ‘The Courage Project: The Counter Poise To Fear’ on Amazon here.




The blog area on the Unlimited Courage website is a treasure trove of knowledge and insights. There are hours’ worth of content to pour over, here are a few top reads:


Mindset & Hope Through Food & Movement

Having coached so many young lads who attend private schools, it never ceases to amaze me just how much unhealthy junk food these schools serve up for them to consume on a daily basis… READ MORE.


The Power of Goals

People often tell me “I don’t really have any goals.”  Everyone has goals but they are often not very good ones… READ MORE.


The Three Pillars of Personal Transformation

How many arrows are you aiming at the target? When it comes to real personal transformation and the direction of our energy towards what we are trying to achieve, we need to place our attention in 3 areas… READ MORE.


Check out the full list of blogs here


FREE Report: Online Questionnaire

As a mindset coach, Simon understands the importance of self-awareness and delving deep into one’s thoughts and feelings to uncover personal pain points and triggers. Inspired by world-renowned entrepreneur, Daniel Priestly, Simon has crafted an online questionnaire to help you reflect on your current mindset, identify key areas for growth, and articulate your goals.

It’s totally free and quick to complete and you’ll receive a report sent back to you. Your responses enable Simon to tailor this report to your unique needs, guiding you on a path towards resilience, courage and self-leadership.

COMING SOON (next week)




Join Simon’s growing community of men making long-term changes. Every week, Simon sends out thought-provoking memos AND you’ll be the first to hear of new releases, events, courses and more.

Sign up to the Unlimited Courage newsletter



Get in Touch with Simon Lee, Unlimited Courage

Visit the website.


Follow Unlimited Courage on socials – Instagram, X, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook.




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