Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Do you want to make a difference in your area? Then contest one of the 54 seats up for grabs in the Sevenoaks District Council elections on 2 May

DISTRICT Council elections are fast approaching which means nominations for candidates will begin from 21 March 2019. Anyone over 18 who meets the qualifications can stand as a candidate and people who are interested in becoming a District Councillor are being invited to a prospective councillor event on Saturday 9 March at the Sevenoaks District Council Offices.

The event, which starts at 9am and will last around two hours, will inform potential candidates about the Sevenoaks District, the District Council, the services it provides and the role of a District Council Member. Information will also be provided about the nomination process.

The next District Council election takes place on 2 May 2019 when all 54 seats will be contested.

Being a District Councillor gives individuals the chance to make a huge difference to quality of life in their local area. Councillors come from all walks of life, age groups and backgrounds and play a key role in shaping the district, from deciding planning applications and pub opening hours, through to setting council tax and parking charges, as well as representing voters in their ward.

Dr Pav Ramewal, the Returning Officer for Sevenoaks District Council said: “If you are passionate about where you live and think you could represent the people in your ward, this meeting is for you. There is no experience necessary, all you need to be successful is plenty of enthusiasm and lots of ideas to help your community.”

To find out more information about standing as candidate for the District Council elections, visit

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