Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

Concerts, cafe fund raisers and spooky tales are all on the Eynsford and Farningham calendar during April

POLYCHOIR EASTER CONCERT. Stainer’s The Crucifixion is being performed on Saturday 13 April in St Martin’s Church, Eynsford starting at 7.30. Admission £10, under 18’s free. For more information email: polychormus@gmail.com

EYNSFORD & FARNINGHAM DEMENTIA CAFÉ FUND RAISER. Two plays are being performed to help generate funds for this worthy cause. They are Chocolate Muffins and Bothered & Bewildered. Matinee and evening performances take place on Saturday, 27 April, in Eynsford Village Hall. Contact Ferne Haxby on 07980 820216 for more information.

FARNINGHAM & EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY.  Did you know that Kent is at the top of the league as the most haunted county? Dennis Chambers will be highlighting some of the local ones during a talk in Farningham Village Hall, on Friday, 26 April. Email: archives@felhs.org.uk or log on to: www.felhs.org.uk

EYNSFORD IN BLOOM: More helpers are very welcome and if you would like to join one of the working parties, they meet at back of main village car park opposite the church at 9.30 am. Next Dates are Tuesday 26 March and Saturday, 6 April. For more information contact Pauline Penny on 01322 864751.

TEA AND CHAT: A friendly group meets every Thursday at Farningham Village Hall  and offers a supportive and enjoyable break to anyone who is lonely or perhaps just needs a little time away from their house or would like to meet some new friends, chat and share some cake and tea. For more  information contact stella.baggaley05@btinternet.com

FARNINGHAM FRIDAY CAFÉ: Everyone is invited to come and share a coffee or tea with old friends or new at the Shand Hall just behind Farningham Church, every Friday morning, 10am – noon.  For more information contact farninghamcfc@outlook.com

RESTORATIVE MEDIATION: West Kent Mediation, based in Sevenoaks, can help resolve conflicts in local schools. Part of the work they carry out is training children in Peer Mediation which helps them self-resolve minor playground disputes. The training involves working with Year five or six who learn listening skills and body language. The children look at feelings and how they affect them, play team games and discuss ‘red flag’ areas. Focus is on listening to other’s views, being impartial and finding a ‘win-win’ solution to the conflict. Important life skills are developed in a fun and relaxed setting which have a very positive impact on the day to day running of a primary school. For more information call 01732 469696, email theoffice@wkm.org.uk or for more info log on to: www.wkm.org.uk


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