Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

Annual scouts firework display begins with popular torchlight procession through Weald village

ANNUAL FIREWORKS: The annual Scout Fireworks night is being held on Saturday 2 November. A torchlight procession will leave the Memorial Hall car park at 6.30pm and wind its way down Long Barn Road, into Windmill Road, turning left into Glebe Road and up to the Scout field. If you would like to attend, tickets can be bought from the Community Shop or on the night, at the entrance to the Scout Field. It costs £8 for adults and £4 for children. Profits are split between various local groups including Weald Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts, Weald Brownies, Girl Guides, Weald Wolves FC, and Cameo.

FLOWER POWER: Weald resident Carol Bain will be running two flower arranging workshops at Riverhill Gardens on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of December from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Details will be posted shortly on the Riverhill website.

SAD NEWS: Gwen Payne, who lived in Weald for many years and who recently celebrated her 112 birthday, has died at her home in Gracious Lane, Sevenoaks. For a short while, Gwen had been the UK’s oldest person. A funeral service is being held at St Georges Church in Weald on Wednesday, 6 November, followed by a private cremation

FILM CLUB: By popular demand the next movie showing at the ‘Golden Oldies’ film club will be Brief Encounter. This 1945 film written by Noel Coward stars Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard and the soundtrack features the Piano Concerto No 2 by Rachmaninoff . It is to be shown on the big screen at St Georges Church on Monday 4 November at 2pm. A warm welcome is extended to all and the screening will be Dememtia Friendly. There will be subtitles, an interval with ice-cream and, also by popular demand, choc ices! If you would like to find out more, please call Sarah Griffiths on 01732 463458 or email her at:

VILLAGE HISTORY: It is almost two years since the history of the village ‘The Changing Face of Weald’ was published. Copies are available at the village shop or from me at ‘Willows’, Windmill Road, Weald. Author Susan Gidman is still interested in adding to the text or digitalising pictures to add to the collection now held by the History Group. If you have anything, please let her know using the contact details at the end of this column.

WALK THE WALK: A dedicated band of walkers gather outside the village shop on the first Saturday of every month to take part in a countryside walk, normally returning in time for a coffee before the shop closes. BUT please note, the November walk has been cancelled.

The Weald Village news is compiled by Susan Gidman. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the village column you can call her on 01732 454222 or email it to her at:

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