Sunday, June 16th, 2024



 We’ve now reached the end of our four-part series on Will writing. Under the expert guidance of Nosheen Bukhari, Wills & Probate Director at Manak Solicitors, we’ve covered the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of Will writing. From getting the paperwork together for your first solicitors meeting right through to executing a Will after death.BUT what can go wrong?If a Will is not done properly, it can cause expensive and exhausting court battles as well as anguish and upset for loved ones left behind.The very purpose of a Will is to ensure your legacy is distributed according to your wishes and

Masculinity can be described as a set of behaviours, attributes and roles associated with men and boys. Breadwinner, provider, leader, self-sufficient, and successful are just a few of the traits that come to mind.Whilst all these qualities are admirable, it’s a rather tall order that places a lot of pressure on the men of today - from adolescent boys trying to find their way in the world to men much later in life. Whilst men are fixating on living up to society’s expectations, are they really giving themselves the opportunity to know themselves? It goes for everyone really, if you

A new chapter is unfolding in the literary landscape of Sevenoaks… a beacon of hope and inspiration for seasoned and budding writers alike.Local writer, Toria Thompson, has created a haven for writing enthusiasts – from informative, upskilling workshops to informal meetups by creating a space for creatives to make time to write.Whether you write for love or write for money, whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or already have a bestseller on the shelves, all are welcome under this canopy of community.[caption id="attachment_15555" align="alignnone" width="729"] How Toria sees herself, "Still a young girl at heart daring to try

So fortunate we are to live in an age where every day we witness unprecedented advancements in medicine, technology, and science. No generation before now has had access to such groundbreaking innovations aimed at enhancing our health and wellbeing.Yet, despite this remarkable progress, we find ourselves amidst a global medical crisis with conditions like obesity and mental health disorders looming large. The convenience of such advancements often tempts us into sedentary lifestyles and reliance on ultra-processed foods, wreaking havoc on our health span.Could it be that we’ve dug ourselves a hole without even realising it? Can you recognise what’s really

For those who keep up with the latest health developments, ‘biohacking’ won’t be a new phrase for you. For those who are not, ‘biohacking’ is the practice of using technology and biology to optimise your health, performance, and wellbeing.Biohacking encompasses different approaches, techniques and methods - from nutrition (diet, supplements, genetic factors) to lifestyle (sleep, exercise, stress management) to technology that can track and monitor biometric data or ‘biomarkers’ (heart rate, blood sugar levels, sleep patterns, activity levels) and even beyond that into the realms of cognitive exercises and medical treatments.Biohacking is beneficial because it empowers individuals to take control

It would be remiss of us to provide for you a series about Will writing without also delving into the significance of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).Created under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, an LPA is a legal document that allows you to choose people that you trust to make decisions about your finances and your health and welfare on your behalf at a time in the future when you’re unable to make those decisions yourself.Reasons that may render you unable to make decisions for yourself could be injury, illness or loss of mental capacity. The purpose of an

More now than ever people are prioritising their health and wellness. As consumers in general, we’re more informed about our lifestyle choices and purchases. There’s a whole world of technology available to track and monitor various health and fitness aspects and businesses are putting more focus on workplace wellbeing.With this at the forefront of everybody’s minds, it’s serendipitous and fortunate for us that Ü Health & Wellness have brought the emerging healthcare discipline that is Lifestyle Medicine to Kent and the South East. From what we’ve learnt so far, it is – quite literally – life-altering and something that everyone

Picture in your mind’s eye a career that opens professional doors, provides a healthy work/life balance and is both fulfilling and enriching. The care industry is widely regarded as one of the most rewarding career paths out there today. The service itself is essential and the need for quality care is on the rise. The industry is growing every day with an abundance of opportunities.What’s the best way to gage what it’s really like? Go straight to the source and speak to the employees. The team at Bluebird Care in Sevenoaks is recruiting for the next generation of carers and

Welcome back to our series on Will writing. To summarise; we’ve teamed up with Manak Solicitors to bring you a 4-part blog series that aims to take away any confusion you may have when it comes to writing your Will and then executing a Will. Why are we doing this? Because a frightfully high of number of us in the UK (around 26 million adults) currently have no formal instructions post-death. If you didn’t catch the first blog or fancy a recap, read ‘Will Writing: Back To Basics’ where we covered the what, why and how of Wills. What is a Will? Why do

If there’s one thing we’ve learnt over the years, it’s that Sevenoaks is a town brimming with stories - with its rich history, buzzing business hub and remarkable residents. Many journalists spend hours actively seeking out a good scoop. Not in Sevenoaks, everywhere we look there are incredible tales just waiting to be told.Such was the case when we visited Terry Brett, an independent living resident at Rockdale Housing Association. When we caught wind that we had a local sports hero in our midst, we couldn’t wait for the opportunity to immortalise Terry’s words into online print for our community