Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Use your talents to help secure the future of Farningham Village Hall for the community

FARNINGHAM VILLAGE HALL NEEDS A SOCIAL SECRETARY: The Hall is used every week during the year by local people and community groups for many different activities, such as yoga, dance, music, meetings, performances and productions.

The hall is managed by a small committee of volunteers. The aim is to raise enough income from the hire fees paid for the activities at the hall to cover the hall maintenance, plus a little extra to pay for repairs and improvements. Can you offer a few hours to volunteer as the social secretary?

The committee is looking for one or two volunteers to help put on a couple of fund-raising events like a quiz, a show, or sale to help raise some funds. Volunteering can provide a chance to use your talents, develop your skills, meet new people and make a useful contribution to the local community. If you are interested please contact Viv Parker on 01322 862330 or email: vivienneparker@aol.com

EYNSFORD IN BLOOM: More helpers are very welcome and if you would like to join one of the working parties, they meet at back of main village car park opposite the church at 9.30 am. The next dates are: Tuesdays 14,21 & 28 May; Thursday evenings 6pm, 16, 23 & 30 May. Saturday 4 May and 1 June. For more information contact Pauline Penny on 01322 864751.

FRIENDS OF FARNINGHAM is a group of volunteers who meet at the Village Hall for just an hour twice every month to help tidy the village. The group will meet at the village hall at 10am on Thursdays 30 May, 27 June, 25 July, 29 August, and 26 September, and on Saturdays 11 May, 8 June, 13 July, 10 August and 7 September. Contact Cllr Carol Salmon at carolsalmon46@gmail.com or Jane Grey at farninghamparishcouncil@gmail.com for more information.

FARNINGHAM & EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY:BACK IN TIME:The Farningham & Eynsford Local History Society is also holding its AGM on Friday, 31 May, at 8pm in Eynsford Village Hall where there will be an opportunity to browse through items and a scrap book about Anthony Roper Primary School since 1973. Enquiries via email to archives@felhs.org.uk website: www.felhs.org.uk

AXSTANE PLAYERS: A celebration of the year in song is being held at Farningham Village Hall on 31 May, and on 1, 7 & 8 June. There will be cabaret style seating and the audience is invited to bring their own drinks and nibbles. Tea and coffee is available. Tickets £8 from axstanesboxoffice@gmail.com or telephone 07882043567.

FARNINGHAM CHURCH FETE is being held in Market Meadow on 8 June from noon to 4pm. There will be music, dancing, a fun dog show, BBQ, beer tent, stalls and a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Donations are needed for a prize draw, tombola, bric-a-brac. They can be left in the church porch or call 01322 861931 for collection. Anyone interested in having a stall please contact Vikki on 01322861931.

COFFEE MORNING FOR BEAMS: Eynsford Baptist Church is hosting a coffee morning on 1 June for BEAMS, a Hextable charity which supports disabled children and their families. It is being held between 10.30am – noon, serving hot sausage (and vegan) rolls, sumptuous homemade cakes and goodies and coffee and tea.

CLASSIC ELVIS: Take a musical trip back in time to the 1950’s-1970’s with Scott Elvis at St Botolph’s Church at Lullingstone on Friday 28 June at 7pm. There will be complimentary cheese and wine and refreshments available. Tickets – Adults £20, under 16’s £10 – are available from Valerie Wells on 01322 860868.

LULLINGSTONE CASTLE MEDIEVAL WEEKEND is being held on 26 & 27 May. Adults £10 children under 15 free. For more info go to www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk or call: 01322 862114

ALICE IN WONDERLAND is being performed by the Riverside Youth Group at Eynsford Village Hall on 12,13 & 14 July. Tickets are £10 for adult, £7 concessions. An afternoon tea is also available with the tickets at £50 for two available from naomijmorgan2014@gmail.com

A DEMENTIA CAFÉ is held every second Friday of the month (not August) and welcomes anyone living with dementia, friends, relatives and carers. Contact Ferne Haxby for details on 07980820216.

TEA AND CHAT: A friendly group meets every Thursday at Farningham Village Hall and offers a supportive and enjoyable break to anyone who is lonely or perhaps just needs a little time away from their house or would like to meet some new friends, chat and share some cake and tea. For more information email stella.baggaley05@btinternet.com

A FARNINGHAM FRIDAY CAFÉ is held at the Shand Hall, just behind Farningham Church, from 10am – noon every Friday. Everyone is invited to come and share a coffee or tea with old friends or new. For more information email: farninghamcfc@outlook.com

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