Friday, March 28th, 2025

Riverhead’s achievements during the last year get an airing at village annual parish meeting

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: Riverhead Parish Council Chairman Irene Collins summarised some of the main events of the past year, particularly the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 last November which brought the whole community together with the huge display of hand-knitted poppies, photos of local residents who lost their lives in the conflict, poignant service at the war memorial and vintage tea party in the village hall.

Other councillors reported on achievements in the council’s activities in relation to Highways, Planning, the Riverhead Parkland, Allotments and Open Spaces and the Village Hall. Plans to install beehives on an otherwise little-used area of the Macartney allotments off Orchard Road are well advanced.

Cllr Lucy Hooper (Communications and Social Media) reminded residents that information about Riverhead news and events is always available on Facebook (search for Riverhead Parish Council) and Twitter (@RiverheadParish). Cllr Shirley Stewart gave a presentation about SpeedWatch which is now up and running (see below).

Irene Collins then thanked the various volunteers who help keep the Parkland and the village tidy and do so much else. In particular a framed certificate of thanks was presented to local resident David, who can so often be seen around the village picking up litter, clearing weeds and doing many other useful jobs.

After various comments and questions from the floor, the meeting was declared closed and was followed by drinks and refreshments, giving everyone a chance to chat informally with councillors and neighbours.

SPEEDWATCH: If anyone is interesting in volunteering for this – weekly, monthly or now and then – to help reduce traffic speeds through Riverhead, do contact the Parish Council (details below) to find out more. Training is given and you will always be in company. A new Speed Indicator Device (SID) has also recently been acquired and will be in use at three different sites in the village at different times to remind drivers of their speed.

PARISH COUNCIL: The next monthly meeting of Riverhead Parish Council will be on Monday 17 June at 7.30pm in the committee room at Riverhead Village Hall. Riverhead residents are always welcome to attend these meetings to observe. If there is a local matter that you would like to raise, do contact the council beforehand on 01732 461278 or at or via the website below so that councillors can give you an informed response at the meeting.  The agenda is posted about a week beforehand on the village noticeboards and also on the council website at as are those for meetings of the planning  committee. The Parish Clerk has an office (open Mondays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 12.30pm) at the village hall and phone messages and emails are picked up regularly at other times. The village hall and the committee room are available to hire. More about Riverhead Parish Council and its responsibilities as the most local rung of local government at

WILDLIFE TALK Enjoy a beautifully illustrated talk by Chris Couch as he tells you about the wonder of the Great Crested Grebes of Sevenoaks at the Jeffery Harrison Visitor Centre at the Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve on Friday 7 June at 7pm to 9.30pm. Book at £5 per person.

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