Friday, March 14th, 2025

Otford Gardeners’ Society Spring Show includes cookery and photography classes – and don’t miss the homemade teas

OTFORD GARDENERS’ SOCIETY is gearing up for its Spring Show which will be held between 2.15 and 4.15pm on Saturday, 23 March in the Memorial Hall.  This show will feature Spring bulbs and early flowers as well as flower arrangements, cookery and photography classes.  Homemade teas will be available until 4pm.  Admission 50p. You can get further by emailing or visit their website

A CUPPA AND A CATCH UP. Every Saturday between 10.30am and noon there is the opportunity get a cup of tea or coffee in the Club Room of the village Memorial Hall for just 50p, and you can even enjoy a free biscuit.  Quite a number of residents go along every week so this is a very inexpensive way to meet up with friends and neighbours while supporting your local village hall at the same time.

OTFORD OAST WI meets at 9.30am on Thursday, 21 March in the Memorial Hall to hear Richard Griffin talk about being a Bodyguard to the Royals.  New members are always welcome and your first visit is free.  For more information please email

OTFORD AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY meets at 8pm on Wednesday, 20 March for a talk by Sir Paul Brittan entitled ‘The Evolution of Kentish Parish Churches’.  Meetings start with refreshments at 7.30pm and the speaker at 8pm.  Adult subscriptions £10, visitors are welcome at £3 per meeting and there is no charge for under 16’s.

THE VILLAGE FETE COMMITTEE would like to thank those individuals who came forward to volunteer to join them but there is always room for more helpers so if you can spare some time then Patty Chatterjee would love to hear from you

This year the Fete will commemorate the 50th anniversary, on 20 July, 1969, when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon and the charity being supported is Guide Dogs.  They are hoping to raise at least £2,500 to name a puppy and will be running their own competition to give it a name.  By donating to the campaign you will be starting a puppy on its road to helping someone with sight loss get their own dog and in two years’ time, as it takes 20 months of specialised training before a puppy can be partnered with someone who has sight loss, that person will have a dog named by an Otford resident.

OTFORD HERITAGE CENTRE is open between 2.30 and 4.30pm on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday afternoons until mid-December offering visitors to our village the opportunity to see Otford’s continuous habitation over 4,000 years with changing displays of recent history, village life, natural history and models of Otford Palace, and the interior of an Oast House as well as many others.  It is free to enter, although donations are gratefully received.  If you are interested in becoming a steward then extra help is always welcome.

HOSPICES OF HOPE Teashop in the High Street is now open seven days a week so visitors and customers have the opportunity of calling in for a coffee, light lunch, or afternoon tea. The Teashop specialises in homemade cakes and what are reputed to be the best scones customers have ever tasted.  In the front shop there is an opportunity to buy clothes, toys, bric-a-brac, books, jewellery, china, glass and furniture so you can browse, and then you can enjoy refreshments and support the charity which is largely staffed by volunteers.  If you would like to volunteer to work in the Teashop please speak to Julie 01959 524322 or to help with administrative tasks in their offices call 01959 525110 or email

RECYCLE YOUR INK CARTRIDGES and toners by dropping used ones into Otford Primary School or the Parish Council office, both in the High Street as by doing so you can raise money for the school.

The Otford village news is compiled by Kay Drake. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email her at:

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