Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Last Otford Gardeners’ Society show for this year also includes cookery, photographic and flower arrangement classes

OTFORD GARDENERS’ SOCIETY: The Autumn Flower and Craft Show on Saturday (9 September) is the final show of the year. The best of the season’s flowers fruit and vegetables will be on display at the village Memorial Hall. The show opens to the public at 2.15pm and there will also be cookery, photographic and flower arrangement classes as well as handicrafts and art classes. Homemade teas are available until 4pm. For details please contact the Society Secretary Janet Finney 01959 523760 or e-mail

OTFORD EVENING WI meets at 7.30pm on Thursday, 12 September, in the Club Room of the Memorial Hall to hear Rod Leeming talk about his experiences in the Metropolitan Police Special VIP Protection Unit. For more information please contact: 01959 524831. 

OTFORD OAST WI next meets on Thursday, 19 September in the Memorial Hall when Jackie Simmonds will be talking about ‘Her Life as a Tiller Girl’. New members are very welcome, and your first meeting is free. For more details email:

OTFORD LUNCH CLUB: Would you like to join Otford Lunch Club, for older residents, which takes place from 11.45am every Thursday in the village Memorial Hall on the High Street? The Club is a welcoming place for local residents to go along and socialise with friends, old and news. It is run by a dedicated team of volunteers and members enjoy a welcoming cup of coffee or tea followed by a hot nutritious two course meal each week. It may be possible to arrange transport for those who need it. To find out more please contact Margaret Nicholson 01959 524147.

OTFORD PARISH COUNCIL meets on the second Monday of the month in the Club Room of the village Memorial Hall. For those interested in all the activities of the parish council, the Minutes of the meetings are available in Otford Library and the Minutes, Agendas and Newsletters can be obtained via the web Parish Council are also looking for a newsletter deliverer for Station Road, Colets Orchard and Beckets Place.  If you feel able to take this on just 10 times a year please contact Sue 01959 524808 or email    

THE CHAIN GANG: Members of St Bartholomew’s church in Otford will be participating in The Friends of Kent Churches Bike and Hike being held between 10am and 6pm on Saturday, 14 September and potential sponsors are most welcome. They are also looking to make up a rota of people to welcome visiting cyclists and walkers to sign them in. If you can spare an hour or two, please contact the Church Office 01959 523185.  The money raised is divided between Friends of Kent Churches and the Otford parish.

CLEANER WANTED: The Otford Memorial Hall management is looking for someone to work for two hours each day on Saturday and Sunday mornings (alternatively possibly Friday and Saturday evenings) and also provide holiday/sickness cover for their existing cleaner and the Hall Manger. For further details please call the Hall Manager on 07887 780576 or email

TWINS VISIT: If you would like to host any of Otford’s Hardelot Twins on the weekend of 27/29 September and/or join the coach trip to Hampton Court on Saturday 28 September, please contact Jane Lawrey c/o the Parish Council office on 01959 524808, as soon as possible. Their next social gathering is at The Woodman at 7.30pm on Monday September 16. You are invited to join them and learn more about the Twining Association with some suggestions for their activities for next year. 

COME AND PLAY is held at the Otford Evangelical Church every Friday morning during term time from 9.15 to 11.15 starting on Friday, 6 September. All babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their grown-up are invited to join in for lots of fun play activities, including painting, playdough, trains, puzzles, books, roleplay and construction. Please contact 07510 909035, email: or visit

SEVENOAKS FLOWER CLUB meets at 1.45pm on Tuesday, 10 September in the Memorial Hall for a demonstration by National Demonstrator Angela Turner who is a highly skilled flower arranger. Angela has an innovative approach to her designs which all can appreciate and learn from. She is a six times Chelsea Gold Medal winner and a creative director for Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals Flower Festivals. Visitors are very welcome at £5 and annual membership is £37.

DIAL 2 DRIVE is seeking volunteer drivers to take elderly/disabled people to a medical appointment or shopping just one a week. If you own a car and would like to help please contact them on 0300 777 1200 or email: driving@imago.commuity

The Otford village news is compiled by Kay Drake. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email her at:

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