Saturday, May 18th, 2024

Resourceful Scout Leaders of the 3rd Sevenoaks (Riverhead and Dunton Green) Scout Group have risen to the occasion of the lock-down and have maintained various activities remotely.

The Riverside Tea Rooms in Eynsford is not only offering some great take away and delivery meals for very affordable prices, but they are also inviting customers to

A suspect has been charged after an attempted break in at a shop in Kemsing village.

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) has received a number of questions about support for people most at risk of becoming infected by coronavirus. This update offers information about

While we are having to take walks and exercise closer to home during the pandemic, many are taking advantage of the lovely open space of the Riverhead Parkland

Riverhead's three village shops selling food, Batchelor’s Butchers, Londis and Sai Convenience Store, have remained open as much as possible during the coronavirus pandemic.

After a 20-year long journey, Otford is on the brink of addressing the traffic challenges of the village.

After an unprecedented week and in order to continue to reduce the risk to vulnerable patients and staff this is the current situation at the Otford Medical Practice