Monday, September 23rd, 2024

WILLIAM Blackmore of the Invicta Karate club emerged with a silver medal after taking second place in the Boys Kihon Ippon Kumite class at a JKA England National

The best way to stay safe and legal is by never drinking and driving says GEM Motoring Assist.

DINERS in Sevenoaks can now easily combine healthy eating with meals out, thanks to a new initiative created by Sevenoaks gym, The Better Body Group (BBG).

THE Chocolate Shop in London Road, Sevenoaks, can now bring you the taste of a traditional seaside treat here in town.

You have found the house of your dreams and secured the funding necessary to buy it.  All you need to do now is find a conveyancer, but who

Sexy, smokey party eyes are the statement make-up of the season. Here, Sarah Rumsey, the founder and owner of The Peacock Rooms in London Road, Sevenoaks, outlines her

Amateur golfer Tom Sherreard from Kings Hill near West Malling stayed cool on one of the hottest days of the year to emerge as overall winner with a five

AN adults only Knife Survival Seminar is being hosted by Invicta Karate Academy at Sevenoaks Primary School on Saturday 14 July (10.15am – 1.15pm).

WITH the bank holiday season under way and the longest school holiday around the corner it seems the findings of a new survey of nearly 1,200 motorists spell