Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

Children get another chance to make films at two taster sessions to be held in September

FILM CLUB AT ST GEORGE’S: The taster session for children from Year 5 and Year 6 at Weald C.P. School was so successful that two more Film Club sessions are being planned. These are aimed at children in Years 6, 7 and 8 with the aim of creating a short film based on the Christmas story, but told through the eyes and imagination of the children. The film they create will be shown at the St George’s Church Christingle Service in December.

The meetings will be held on Sunday afternoon of 15 and 29 September, in the Church Rooms between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. Places need to be reserved ahead of time, so for further information, contact Revd Mandy Carr by email: mandy@carrfamilyonline.co.uk

SINGING FOR STORE: The Church Hall was packed with villagers and friends recently for a fun night of entertainment when groups and individuals performed a range of well-known tunes as well as some more obscure numbers. The aim of the event was to raise funds towards the continuing success of the Weald Community Shop. After the evening it was reported that the kitty had benefitted to the tune of £300.

VILLAGE RUN: The village green was packed with runners for 14th annual Weald 10K and Fun Run recently. As a staunch supporter of the run since its inception 14 years ago, Lesley Knight was invited to fire the starting gun aided and abetted by Ashley Jones and Race Director, Ian Walker.

The winner of the 10K was Matthew Moran in a time of 38.38 minutes. The ladies overall winner was Becky Phillips whose daughter Emily ran in the 2K race with her dad, Richard, and baby – only nine months old – in the buggy.

VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT: Work and research on the preparation of the Village Design Statement and Parish Plan is ongoing. Members of the team are writing sections on areas such as the history of the village, natural environment, views, pedestrians and vehicles, conservation and change, housing development, parish landscape, open spaces, topography and geology etc. One of the factors affecting the finalisation and publication of the draft VDS is that Weald os waiting for the Sevenoaks District Council’s Local Plan to be confirmed so that its own Village Design Statement will be consistent with SDC’s policies and guidelines.

ANIMAL FARM: More and more people are thinking carefully about ‘food miles’ and how far it has had to travel from the point of production to the dining table. Fidelity Weston, who talked to the Horticultural Society last year about her ‘grass fed’ animals, has announced that Romshed Farm’s summer and autumn meat sale is starting and orders can be placed now.  The farm is no longer raising pigs, so meat sales are more seasonal. Romshed is experimenting with new ways of grazing which means stock is moved nearly every day. By doing so, deep rooting plants are encouraged and the soil is built up. Moving the animals onto new pastures replicates how the animals would behave in nature. The stock stays together and keeps moving through the landscape as one big group leading to the development of deeper soils.

Romshed lamb will be ready mid-September ready for collection on the week of 16th , (orders by 8 September); Romshed chickens will be ready for collection at the end of September/early October (orders by 20 September); Romshed’s beef will be ready at the end of September. More details including how to order and a price list can be found at: romshedfarm.co.uk

PARISH COUNCIL: The next meeting of Weald Parish Council is Wednesday 25 September starting at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall.

The Weald Village news is compiled by Susan Gidman. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the village column you can call her on 01732 454222 or email it to her at: wealdnews@hotmail.com

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