Get ready for the switching on of the ‘Lights of Love’ at Eynsford and Farningham churches
ST MARTIN’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE is being held at the church in Eynsford on Saturday 8 December from 11am – 3 pm. As well as the beautiful Lights of Love Christmas trees there will be stalls plenty of gift ideas for children’s and adults including jewellery, scarves, cards, book-marks etc. There will also be home-made jam, food hampers and chocolate-filled mugs, plus mulled wine, cakes, tea/coffee & sandwiches on offer. You could also win a prize in the raffle and soft toy tombola. Entrance is £1 for adults (children free) and includes a free tea or coffee.
THE LIGHTS OF LOVE will be officially switched on in St Martin’s Church, Eynsford and at St Peter & St Paul’s, Farningham on Sunday 9 September at the 9.30am and 11am services. The lights in St Botolph’s, Lullingstone will be switched on during the 11am service on Sunday 16 December. Envelopes to add names to discs are available from each church.
ANTHONY ROPER PRIMARY SCHOOL: A reminder that on Friday 23 November at 3.15pm there will be a meeting to discuss school funding with Sir Michael Fallon MP, and Councillor Roger Gough, KCC, at Eynsford Village Hall. For more information contact Alan Cheeseman (on behalf of Eynsford Conservative Team) on 07725 528241 or email: alan@mysevenoaks.org
TEA AND CHAT. This friendly group meets every Thursday at Farningham Village Hall (but not on 6 December) and offers a supportive and enjoyable break to anyone who is lonely or perhaps just needs a little time away from their house or would like to meet some new friends, chat and share some cake and tea. Contact stella.baggaley05@btinternet.com
FARNINGHAM FRIDAY CAFÉ is at the Shand Hall in the village every Friday morning, just behind Farningham Church, between 10 – 12am. Everyone is invited to come and share a coffee or tea with old friends or new. Contact farninghamcfc@outlook.com.
FRIENDS OF FARNINGHAM is a group of volunteers who meet at the Village Hall for just an hour twice every month to help tidy the village. The group has worked hard this year and will be planning a new schedule soon. Feel free to come along with some gloves and tools and meet the others. Contact Cllr Carol Salmon at carolsalmon46@gmail.com or Jane Grey at farninghamparishcouncil@gmail.com