Tuesday, March 11th, 2025

Don’t miss your chance to have your say on Weald village plan and the future of rural transport

SUPER SUMMER SUPPER. Judy Whiddett and her Horticultural Society committee prepared an awesome summer supper, hosted in the garden of Roger and Moya Grady. It was lovely relaxing in the garden enjoying delicious food.

VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT/PARISH PLAN. The co-ordinating committee for the Village Design Statement and Parish Plan is putting the finishing touches to a comprehensive village questionnaire. It will be delivered to every household in the village by the end of August/beginning of September and needs to be returned by the beginning of October. Young people from 11-18 will have their own section and children under 11 will be asked their opinion separately.

RURAL TRANSPORT. Kent County Council is in the process of holding a series of consultation meetings regarding rural transport. The consultation runs until 8 August. The ‘Big Conversation’ is being held against a backdrop of ever decreasing funding for local councils. KCC wants to maintain, and where possible, improve rural accessibility for those without alternative means of travel. The Council is keen to have input from users of rural services. Two documents are available – the first called ‘Join the Big Conversation’ and the second, ‘Big Conversation: Rural Transport: Consultation Questionnaire’. They can be picked up from the Weald Community Shop or Sevenoaks Library or find the information on-line at www.kent.gov.uk/bigconversation You can request a hard copy by calling 03000 421553.

READY TO RUN? Sunday 2 September is the date for the Weald St George’s 10K and Fun Run. Information can be found on the website at www.weald10k.co.uk  If you are a runner and haven’t yet booked your space, there is still time.

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    November 10, 2024

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