Potholes blitz campaign will close Sevenoaks road for up to two weeks
RESIDENTS living around the Ashgrove Road area of Sevenoaks have been receiving letters from Kent County Council warning them that there is to be a ‘Potholes Blitz Campaign’ starting on Monday.
The letters have coincided with a hand written sign going up at the end of Ashgrove Road close to the junction of Oak lane and Brittains Lane informing drivers and householders that the road is to be closed for up to two weeks from Monday 14 May 2018 while the work is carried out.
The Sevenoaks campaign has been launched in the same week that the AA reported that the motoring organisation has seen almost three times more pothole-related car insurance claims so far this year than it did over the same period in 2017.
And the number of pothole claims made to the AA during the first four months of 2018 is more than for the whole of 2017. (For the full story go to the Motoring Page on the mysevenoakscommunity.com website).
Residents have been told that although access to properties and business will be maintained throughout the works, it may be necessary to restrict vehicle access to individual properties for short periods.
There is some good news for ‘school run’ parents who use Ashgrove Road. The KCC letters explains: “The works will take place between the hours of 9.30 and 15.00 hours to allow access at the start and end of the school day. Outside of these times the road will remain open to traffic, although there may be some areas of patching left open. These will be marked with cones and ramp signs.
The letters concludes: “For your safety and the safety of our workforce, please drive carefully and slowly through the roadworks.”

Some of the enormous potholes that drivers currently have to negotiate in Ashgrove Road, Sevenoaks.