Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

MP to discuss Eynsford and Farningham school funding at Anthony Roper

SCHOOL FUNDING: Anthony Roper Primary School, Friday, 23 November at 3.15pm. A meeting to discuss school funding with Sir Michael Fallon MP, and Councillor Roger Gough, KCC, at Eynsford Village Hall starts at 3.15pm when they will meet parents of the school and discuss the school’s funding. For more details contact Alan Cheeseman on 07725 528241 or email:

TRIDENT EDITOR RETIRES: After 35 years of sterling service, Margaret Newbold has retired from the role of the Eynsford Trident parish magazine. Welcome to the new editor, Holly Ivaldi who can be contacted by email on:

PEACE & THE AFTERMATH – FARNINGHAM & EYNSFORD IN THE 1920’s:  Friday, 2 November in Farningham Village Hall. 7.30 for 8. Local History Society members free, visitors £2. Refreshments available.

FARNINGHAM SHOPS EXHIBITION: Shand Hall, Farningham, Saturday 3 November, 11am-4pm. Refreshments available.

EYNSFORD IN BLOOM:  Working parties meet at back of the main village car park opposite the church at 9.30am. Next Dates: Tuesdays 6, 13, 20 & 27 November; Saturdays 3 Nov and 1 December.  More details from Pauline Penny on 01322 864751.

POLYCHOR:  New members are very welcome into the group which is now rehearsing every Wednesday evening at the Anthony Roper School from 7.45pm in preparation for their next concert on Saturday, 17 November at 7.30pm in Farningham Church. Tenors and Bases especially welcome , no auditions, for more information contact Frank Rogers: 01322 862519.

TEA AND CHAT: A friendly group meets every Thursday at Farningham Village Hall (but not on 6 December) and offers a supportive and enjoyable break to anyone who is lonely or perhaps just needs a little time away from their house or would like to meet some new friends, chat and share some cake and tea. For more details email:

FARNINGHAM FRIDAY CAFÉ: Everyone is invited to come and share a coffee or tea with old friends or new at the Shand Hall every Friday morning, just behind Farningham Church, 10 – 12 am.  For more details, email:

FRIENDS OF FARNINGHAM: A group of volunteers meet at 10am in the Village Hall for an hour twice every month alternately Saturdays or Wednesdays to help tidy the village. The group has worked hard this year and will be planning a new schedule soon. Feel free to come along with some gloves and tools. Contact Cllr Carol Salmon by email at: or Jane Grey at:

FARNINGHAM & EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY CENTRE: If you are curious to see the collection, come along or contact the centre which is located between Riverside Social Club, Eynsford, & Eynsford Cricket Meadow, Riverside DA4 0AE.  Opening Hours: Monday 9.30am to noon (March-November).  Other times by appointment.  Enquiries via : Website: :   If you have items (photos, documents, objects, memories, information) you wish to share do come and show them. The centre is adding to the collection all the time, and can copy precious items if you prefer to hold onto the original.

FARNINGHAM & EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY DATES FOR 2019: 15 February 2019 in Eynsford village hall -The history and origins of Nursery Rhymes talk and short quiz by Dr John Reuther (counting songs, nonsense rhymes, historical lampoons, lullabies). 22 March 2019 in Eynsford village hall – Mills of the Darent Valley by Dr Lionel Parks. A brief look at the origins of water mills, followed by an illustrated guided trip along the Darent highlighting where there were, and indeed, in some case, still are surviving Water Mills. 26 April. 2019 in Farningham village hall – Kent ghosts by Dennis Chambers. Learn how Kent is at the top of the league of the most haunted county. 31 May 2019 History Society AGM in Eynsford village hall.  20 September in Farningham village hall – Dirty Dartford by Christoph Bull. Discover how Dartford has shaped the very world in which we live.  October 2019 in Farningham vilage hall – Selection of short local films . 8 November in Eynsford village hall. Creep, pull, push – workers on the move by Dr Jean Stirk. The willing or unwilling motives behind the moves and how to trace moving families.

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