Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

Weald women’s stoolball players notch up first win – and celebrate with chips and fizz at The Windmill

WEALD WOMEN’S STOOLBALL TEAM members celebrated their first ever win when they beat Hildenborough recently. Roberta Briant report: “We won the toss and fielded first, and Mille Lingham took a wicket with the first ball to remove one of their  best batters. We then took another three wickets in the second over (Roberta Briant), followed by a 5th wicket in the third over (Maddie Nagel).

“When it was our turn to bat, we sent out our two strongest batters, Vivienne Teckoe and Millie Lingham. Millie was still on fire from last weeks game when she set a new Weald record of 72 for the most runs in a single game.

“As we approached the score to beat – 49 – we could taste victory and made sure that most of our players got to bat once we’d won so that we could all share in the winning feeling! Free chips in the Windmill awaited us as we tooted our car horns in homecoming victory and had a glass of bubbles to mark the long awaited win.”

WEALD SCOUTS AND BEAVERS. The Scout Executive Committee reports Weald Scouts and Beavers are still struggling to find adult leaders to support the village groups. They are looking for someone to help during term time from September 2018. Beavers meet on Wednesday from 5-6pm and Scouts on Friday 7-9pm. Following the last plea, one person did come forward to help with the Beavers so it won’t fold completely as had been feared earlier this year but, without a second leader, a weekly programme for the youngsters can’t be offered. If you are willing to help please contact Julie on 07811 990170.

WEALD ALLOTMENT OPEN DAY: On Sunday 22 July villagers are invited to visit the allotments through the entrance is on Long Barn Road between 10.30am and 2pm for the Allotment Holder’s Association Annual Open Day. Teas, coffees, cakes and barbecue will be served and you can participate in a prize draw and tombola.

VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT & PARISH PLAN: The Steering Group working towards the Village Design Statement (VDS) and the Parish Plan (PP) were at the School Fete on Saturday 30 June with boards showing the draft questions for the village questionnaire which will shortly be sent to everyone.

ROAD CLOSURE: Scabharbour Road is closed for essential maintenance until 11 July and diversions to the Gaza Trading Estate are in place.

BARN DANCE: Take your partner by the hand and get your tickets for the Barn Dance at Westwood Farm on Saturday 7 July. There will be a live band, a bar and hot food. Tickets are £12 for adults, (£6 for children up to 5 years old). If you would like some tickets please contact Sarah Chatten on 0777 5656324 or email: chatten@inbox.com

WEALD HORTICULTURAL SHOW: The Pat Thomas Trophy for best flower arrangement went to Sheila Turley who also won The Fauchon Challenge Cup for a combined score in the cookery and flower arrangment sections.

Dave Todd’s name appeared several times as first prize winner in the cookery section just as he had done in the Spring Show. Julie Todd’s won numerous ‘Firsts’ and this included prizes for her herbaceous flowers, annuals, pansies and delphiniums. She also won the award for most points overall.

The award for ‘Best in Show’ went to Lesley Knight for a stunning rose and Susan Gidman won the cup for most points overall for her roses. Paul Allen won prizes for his hybrid tea rose and rambling roses as well as for his lily. Chris Andrew, who showed for the first time, was thrilled that she won a ‘First’ for her rose judged for its perfume. Sheila Hocking won ‘First’ for her ‘Baked exhibit using summer fruits’ and Judy Whiddett ‘Best in Section’ for her redcurrants and Pot plant. Doris Wheeler (hybrid tea-rose ), Hamilton Woods (flowering shrubs), Veronica Edwards (lupin) and Liz Hindley (sweet pea – Spencer variety) also won ‘First’s.

In the children’s section Flora Pearce and Emelia Jones won prizes, Flora for her ‘Buttercups and daisies’ and her ‘Floating garden’ and Emelia for her ‘I grew that plant’ and ‘Two summer fruit kebabs’.

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