There are fishy goings-on at the St George’s Church film clubs – or maybe you fancy some Grease?
FILM CLUBS: Calling all kids in years 2-6! Do you want to banish the winter post-school blues? Then why not go along to the St George’s Film Clubs which are held in the village church and cater for pre teens and teens? Finding Nemo (Cert U) is being shown on Thursday 31 January. Doors open at 5pm with pick-up at 6.45pm. There is no charge and each child gets a complimentary bag of popcorn so remember to reserve your place by emailing julia.baber@gmail.com. The club will be staying with a fishy theme in February when it screens Finding Dory (Cert U) on Thursday 28 February at 5pm. Teen Screens for teenage film buffs aged 12-15 meets on the last Friday of the month. On Friday, 25 January, it’s the movie Grease! (Cert PG). Doors open at 6.45pm and the evening finishes at 9pm. Again there is no charge but soft drinks and snacks will be available’.
PANTO STARS: Several Weald residents will be among the cast of The Sevenoaks Entertainers 2019 pantomime, ‘Sleeping Beauty’ which is being performed at The STAG in Sevenoaks from Thursday 24 January to Sunday 27 January. Sophie-Bea Hughes is playing Fairy Where – one of the three Fairies (Here, There and Where), and she is joined by Lily-Rose Meade, Sean-William Meade and Verity Briant who is one of the dancers. Verity, Lily-Rose and Sean-William are in the Thursday night show (24th) and the Saturday night show (26th) and the first show on Sunday the 27th. Sophie is in all shows. Ticket info can be found on the Sevenoaks Entertainers Facebook page www.facebook.com/pg/sevenoaksentertainers/posts/ or on The STAG website at: stagsevenoaks.co.uk/
POP UP FARM SHOP: As those of you who have already bought a copy of the village history book ‘The Changing Face of Weald’ will know, Romshed Farm was on the outer edges of the village until local boundary changes tipped them into the Tonbridge and Malling area. Fidelity Weston from the Farm, who gave a talk to the Horticultural Society last year, will be organising another ‘pop-up-shop’ on the Farm on Sunday 3 February between 11am and 1pm. Fresh beef will on sale and, ideally, you should order what you want before the ‘shop’ opens. The email address is farm@weald.co.uk and the prices are on the website, www.romshedfarm.co.uk. Some joints of pork and lamb are also available although 2019 lamb will probably not be ready until May.
STOOLBALL AGM: The ladies from the Weald Stoolball team, who won a match for the first time in 2018 and celebrated by popping open a bottle of fizz or two at The Windmill, will be meeting at the pub again on Tuesday 12 February for their AGM which starts at 7.30pm. New players are always welcome and the AGM is a good time to find out what’s involved. Training starts in March and the season starts in May. A new mixed summer league will be announced nearer the time.
BOOMERANG BAGS: The reusable/returnable bags provided by the village Community Shop and made out of fabric provided by villagers are proving very popular. Judy Whiddett would love to hear from anyone who has any old/new fabric that you would like to see having a second life. Or if you would like to help make the bags, the next ‘Sew and Co’ meet in the Memorial Hall is on Tuesday 29 January from 12.45pm – 2.45pm. Go along and help the group hit the 100 bag target. If you can help or want some more info, leave a message for Judy in the shop.
COFFEE AND CAKE: There will be another coffee morning on Saturday 26 January in the Church Rooms between 10am and noon.
The Weald Village news is compiled by Susan Gidman. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the village column you can call her on 01732 454222 or email it to her at: wealdnews@hotmail.com