Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Sunday Club children in Riverhead prepare to get into the festive spirit by telling the Christmas Story during Nativity Service at St Mary’s

CHRISTMAS AT ST MARY’S: This Sunday (15 December) there will be a Nativity Service at St Mary’s Church at 9.30am when the Sunday Club children will tell the Christmas Story. Sunday 22 December then sees a traditional evening service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 7pm with readings by candlelight and singing led by the church choir, followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

Image by Alexas

On Christmas Eve there will be two Christingle services in the afternoon. At 2.30pm there will be a quieter crib service especially suitable for younger children and at 4pm a traditional Christingle service for children and families. Then at 11.30pm there will be a special Midnight Communion.

On Christmas Day Holy Communion (BCP) will be celebrated at 8am. At 9.30am there will be a Family Christmas Service. Everyone welcome to any of these events.

Thanks to everyone at St Mary’s involved in organising all these Christmas events, including the Christmas Tree Festival,(particularly as Riverhead currently does not have a Vicar) especially Lay Minister Daphne Harrison. For more information about all events and activities at St Mary’s see:

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Riverhead is now looking very festive with its much-admired golden icicle lights plus the snowflake lights and tree at the Village Hall. There was a very good turn-out at the Village Hall for the recent switch-on ceremony of the lights and the Christmas Tree when villagers were joined by members of St Mary’s Church Choir to sing carols and then enjoy mince pies and mulled wine (or biscuits and squash for the children). It was a wet evening (yet again!) so people were probably glad to be in the Village Hall – maybe not quite as festive as being out in the cold crisp evening air but they did at least stay dry! Thanks go to Riverhead Parish Council for organising all this.

PARKLAND ELVES: It looks like the Christmas Elves have again put a few baubles on a couple of trees in the Parkland? They would welcome additions if you are passing through the Parkland and have some to spare?

DECEMBER COFFEE DATE: Take note that the next Seniors’ Coffee Morning at the Bullfinch Pub, which usually takes place on the last Thursday of each month, will be earlier in December on Thursday 19 December from 10-11.30am. This is because the last Thursday of December falls on Boxing Day, when the Bullfinch will no doubt be very busy! The Bullfinch really does make everyone feel most welcome. Excellent coffee (or tea), biscuits and cake for £3. If you feel that you would enjoy some company do go along. Or if you know someone in Riverhead who you think might benefit from attending these coffee mornings, do let them know. More information from Riverhead Parish Council (see contact details below).

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Riverhead residents are always welcome to attend the monthly meetings of Riverhead Parish Council, the next of which will be on Monday 16 December at 7.30pm in the committee room at Riverhead Village Hall.

If there is a local matter that you would like to raise, do contact the council beforehand on 01732 461278 or email:

Alternatively you can log onto the website below so that councillors can give you an informed response at the meeting. The Parish Council agenda are posted about a week beforehand on the village noticeboards and also on the council website at as are those for the meetings of the planning committee. More about Riverhead Parish Council and its responsibilities as the most local rung of local government can be found on the website.

PARISH COUNCIL CONTACTS: The Parish Clerk has an office at the Village Hall which is open to visitors Mondays and Thursdays 9.30am – 12.30pm. Messages are picked up frequently at other times. You can phone Riverhead Parish Council on: 01732 461278 or email:

The Riverhead Parish Council website is at and you can also keep up to date with local events by following ‘Riverhead Parish Council’ on Facebook and Twitter @RiverheadParish. The Village Hall and Committee Room are available to hire for parties and meetings.

The Riverhead village news is compiled by Maggie Miles. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email it to her at:

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