Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
sarah holding up different swatches of colour for a client

Step Into Colour With Sarah Jane Grant, Personal Stylist

Sarah Jane Grant is a personal stylist and shopper and a good friend of ours and the Sevenoaks community. Having overcome a life-changing event, Sarah found fashion and creativity as a way to rebuild her confidence, feel empowered and look after her own wellbeing. Colour analysis is one of her most popular services and she helps men and women to discover the correct colours for them. Now, over to Sarah to tell you more!


Colour has an amazing effect on how we feel and how we project our personality to the outside world.
Sarah Jane Grant


sarah holding up different swatches of colour for a client


Before we dive into colour…

Before I talk of colour, I have a gift for you. It is a sarong tying video where I show you a few ways how to use a scarf tying ring, a bangle plus how to use a square scarf as a cover up.


What can colour do for you?

It’s that time of year again when colour is bursting out and showing its full glory of summer, enjoying family and friends with a glass of bubbles and the warm evenings.

Have you got your glass ready?

Let’s now discover why we need a colour analysis.  Well, I will let you into a little secret.  Imagine going into a shop what is the first thing you see?  What is the first thing you see when you awake in the morning?  It’s COLOUR.

COLOUR evokes so many different emotions.  It affects our emotional and physical wellbeing; did you know that wearing different colours makes us feel different and even respond to things differently.

Often people have an issue with certain colours, for example the colour of a school uniform may evoke bad memories of your time at school. Therefore, you may not want to wear that colour.


Why try a colour analysis?

The reason I recommend a colour analysis first as I have said before it is the first thing you see when you enter a shop.  So, by knowing your colours will give you many benefits not only help you but make your shopping experience easier as you are able to go straight to the colours that you need and know that work for you.

An example, TKMaxx is like marmite you love it or hate it as it can be a mind field. 

I know my colours and when I go to the shop, I can quickly scan the tops and will immediately see the colour that I need.

I look at all the other features including neckline, shape, style, and length and if all these aspects are congruent with my wardrobe personality and style I will get it, if not then it goes back on the rail.

If you “hum and ah” when you buy a top, then you will always ‘hum and ah” when you open your wardrobe, and it will go straight back in unworn. Just think of that wasted money!


Let’s now discover why we could benefit from a colour analysis

1. It’s going to make you feel fabulous.
2. You are going to look amazing.
3. It will help you to put together an outfit rather than
thinking if certain colours pair well together.
4. The colours will harmonise with your complexion.
5. Shopping becomes so much easier and quicker
6. You save money, by not buying the wrong colour.
7. Getting dressed it so much easier
8. Look younger.
9. You will have wardrobe that works for you.
10. You will be more confident



Colour and emotions

COLOUR evokes so many different emotions. It affects our emotional and physical wellbeing; did you know that wearing different colours makes us feel different and even
respond to things differently.

Often people have an issue with certain colours, for example the colour of a school uniform may evoke bad memories of your time at school. Therefore, you may not want to wear that colour.

How many items do you have in your wardrobe that you don’t wear?

Is it the colour?
Is it the shape?
Is it the style?
Is it too small?
What is it?


What does a Colour Analysis include?

  • One-to-one time to talk about you and your desired image.
  • Colour-matching with draped fabrics to uncover the impact each colour has on your eyes and skin tone.
  • A colour swatch wallet to take away and use when you go shopping.
  • Tips and tricks sheet to serve as a reminder on everything covered during our time together.


Get in touch

If you would like to find the colours that flatter you, lift you up and make you feel fabulous and look great, then contact Sarah

Email; sarah@sarahjanegrant.co.uk

Mobile; 07766871918

You can also follow Sarah on Instagram and Facebook.


Other blogs about Sarah Jane Grant, Personal Stylist

Supporting women through fashion and style, meet Sarah Grant‬


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