Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Speedwatch volunteers are out on the streets of Riverhead

SPEEDWATCH. Riverhead’s new Speedwatch team has been carrying out its first checks on Amherst Hill and more will follow on radom dates at other Riverhead village locations which have been agreed with the police. SIDs ( Speed Indicator Devices) operated by volunteers will monitor any speeds  exceeding the speed limit in 30mph areas. Owners of vehicles who are repeatedly clocked as exceeding the limit or have been recorded at more than 50% over the limit are sent a letter of advice by the police. Anyone interested in lending their support to this initiative and joining the Riverhead Speedwatch team (training given) should contact Riverhead Speedwatch organiser Shirley Stewart via  Riverhead Parish Council on 01732 461278 or at clerk@riverheadparishcouncil.org.uk. More information can be found on the council website at www.riverheadpc.kentparishes.gov.uk.

BURGLARIES. There has been an increase in burglaries in Riverhead lately. First from sheds, then a couple of houses in Montreal Park and now valuable equipment has been stolen from a van. So be on your guard, especially now it has got darker in the evenings. Set your alarm and leave lights on even if you are only going to be out for a short time

CHRISTMAS WINDOWS. Once again all shops and other businesses in Riverhead have been invited to enter the Christmas Windows competition. The theme this year  (not compulsory!) is Snow Flakes. The windows will be judged on Friday 7 December by Bennett Smith from St Mary’s Church and the winners will receive a Christmas hamper from Riverhead Parish Council which organises the competition.

CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL. St Mary’s Church will once again be holding its Festival of Christmas Trees for all to visit  over the weekend of 8 & 9 December. The opening times are Saturday 8  December, 9.30am – 4.30pm  and Sunday 9 December, 11am – 4pm. It is quite a sight and there will also be a gift stall, refreshments and live music. On Sunday at 3pm there will also be a carol service among the trees which everyone is invited to join in.

Many local groups – societies, charities, residents’ associations, businesses, schools, nurseries, families have again been invited to display a decorated tree ( to be retrieved afterwards for  their own use) and display publicity material beneath if wished. There is no charge to display a tree or to visit but any voluntary donations  will be divided between  the church and their 2018 chosen charity Porchlight, which supports homeless people in Kent. For more information click on the link at www.stmaryriverhead.co.uk,or email: christmas-tree-fest@stmaryriverhead.co.uk.

TEMENOS CHOIR. The Chamber Choir, which rehearses at Riverhead church, will be giving an advent concert at St Nicholas church in Sevenoaks on Saturday 8 December at 7.30pm when composers featured span 500 years. Tickets from Sevenoaks Bookshop or at the door. Alternatively, phone 01732 457826. For all Riverhead Temenos fans – they will be back performing at Riverhead church on 30 March 2019 in a concert of Lenten music.More information at: www.temenos-chamberchoir.org.uk

KNITTED POPPIES. Many people have asked what will happen to all the 3000+  hand-knitted poppies once the Riverhead Armistice Day displays have been taken down? In the first instance the knitted poppies will be dried and stored. You can rest assured that they will NOT just be thrown away! A  couple of suggestions for re-use of the yarn or the poppies have been put forward but, given the difficulty of unpicking/unsewing relatively short amounts of yarn and also the many black buttons tightly sewn-in, the most sensible option would seem to be that they should be kept for use for future Armistice dates over the years, especially for  any particularly memorable dates.

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