Riverhead falls silent in memory of those who died fighting wars
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY: There was a wonderful turnout of people for the Remembrance service on Sunday 10 November at the war memorial in the grounds of the village hall. As St Mary’s has no vicar at present, the service was conducted by the Rev Michael Gentry (soon to be appointed Sevenoaks Area Dean).
Young trumpeter Tania Casali played the Last Post and the Reveille at the beginning and end of the two minutes silence and wreaths were laid by Chairman of Riverhead Parish Council Irene Collins and Trevor Harrison on behalf of St Mary’s.
The names of all local residents who died in both world wars were read out by Parish Councillor Martin Denton. It is a much longer list than on the war memorial as it includes other names from plaques inside the church and also civilians sadly killed in air raids.
SENIORS’ COFFEE MORNING The next 60+ coffee morning is on Thursday November 28 at 10-11.30am at the Bullfinch Pub. An impressive 28 people attended the second 60+ coffee morning at the Bullfinch on 31 October and all enjoyed the company of friends they met as well as new faces including two people who are new to the area. This event takes place on the last Thursday of each month. The Bullfinch pub makes everyone feel most welcome. Excellent coffee (and tea), biscuits and cakes for £3. If you are over 60 or know someone in Riverhead who you think might enjoy this event do go along and take a friend.
RIVERHEAD CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: This year the ceremony for the switching on of the village lights will be held by the Christmas tree in the courtyard at the Village Hall, rather than in the area under The Heights. Meet outside the village hall at 5.45pm on Thursday, 28 November. for the countdown to 6pm. There will be mulled wine, mince pies and carol singing led by members of St Mary’s Church choir. Plus, the possibility to move indoors should the weather prove inclement.
WINTER BIRDS WALK: On Sunday 8 December there will be a warden-led walk at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve from 10.30am-12.30pm to discover the birds that make the reserve their winter home. For more information and to book (essential) go to: www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk/events
CHRISTMAS WINDOWS: Once again Riverhead’s shopkeepers and businesses are being invited by Riverhead Parish Council to decorate their windows – the theme this year is Father Christmas. District Councillor Kim Bayley will be the judge this year, touring the village on Wednesday 11 December and awarding prizes to the winners.
CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL: St Mary’s Church will again be holding this popular event on 7 & 8 December. Invitations have been sent out to previous participants, but any clubs, school groups, families, individuals, charities and businesses are all welcome to display a tree which could depict their organisation or hobby, especially where it serves people in the Church Parish community of Riverhead and Dunton Green. Voluntary donations will be invited, to be shared by Hospice in the Weald and St. Mary’s Church. For more information email: christmas-tree-fest@stmaryriverhead.co.uk or follow the link at www.stmaryriverhead.co.uk
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: The legendary Amherst School Christmas Bazaar will be taking place on Saturday 7 December from noon until 3.30pm. In addition to the Silent Auction (a signed & framed Jonny Wilkinson rugby shirt is up for grabs!), Santa’s Grotto and Grand Draw, there will be craft activities, toys, festive gifts, cakes and biscuits, games, Christmas hampers, refreshments and lots more. This is Amherst’s biggest annual fund raiser so do support them. All proceeds will go towards the cost of a new building needed by the school.
RESTART A HEART: Kent Fire and Rescue Service offers free CPR and defibrillator training. The next event at Sevenoaks Fire Station will be on Tuesday 26 November. For more information phone 01622 69212 or go to www.kent.fire-uk.org and click on ‘News’.
PARISH COUNCIL CONTACTS: The Parish Clerk has an office in the Village Hall which is open to visitors Mondays and Thursdays 9.30am – 12.30pm. Messages are picked up frequently at other times. You can phone Riverhead Parish Council on 01732 461278 or email clerk@riverheadparishcouncil.org.uk. The Riverhead Parish Council website is at www.riverheadpc.kentparishes.gov.uk and you can also keep up to date with local events by following ‘Riverhead Parish Council’ on Facebook and Twitter @RiverheadParish. The Village Hall and Committee Room are available for hire for parties and meetings.
The Riverhead village news is compiled by Maggie Miles. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email it to her at: maggiejmiles@gmail.com