Friday, September 6th, 2024

Outdoor bowling season soon to get underway at Holmesdale – and you are welcome to visit and ‘have a go’

BOWLING CLUB: The season starts at Holmesdale Bowling Club on Worship’s Hill on Sunday 28 April At 2.30pm there will be an Opening Drive for members. Anyone interested in finding out what lawn bowls is all about is welcome to pop in and meet the Holmesdale members and even ‘have a go’. For more information contact the Secretary Brenda Bennett on 01732 835608.

RIVERHEAD PARISH COUNCIL: The next monthly meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 15 April at 7.30pm in the committee room at Riverhead Village Hall. Riverhead residents are always welcome to attend these meetings. If there is a local matter that you would like to raise, do contact the council beforehand on 01732 461278 or at or via the website below so that councillors can give you an informed response at the meeting.   The agenda is posted about a week beforehand on the village noticeboards and also on the council website at as are those for meetings of the planning  committee. The Parish Clerk has an office (open Mondays and Thursdays  from 9.30am to 12.30pm) at the village hall and phone messages and emails are picked up regularly at other times. The hall and the committee room are available to hire. More about Riverhead Parish Council and its responsibilities as the most local rung of local government at

HOLIDAY WILDLIFE FUN: Events and activities for all the family at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve during the Easter break also include Discovering Pond Life on Wednesday 17 April and Easter Nature Trails and Egg Hunts over the Easter weekend. For more information and to book see The 73 hectare reserve with its lakes, paths and wildlife is off Bradbourne Vale Rd TN13 3DH. It is open free every day from dawn until dusk. From April 1 the Jeffery Harrison Visitor Centre, which has a small café,  is open daily 10am- 5pm. No dogs allowed.

PRINT EXHIBITION Portico Gallery at 25 London Rd Riverhead has a new exhibition of beautiful print making by six leading exponents of this art. Learn the differences between linocut and reductive linocut printing and the processes of mono, collagraph and mezzotint printing. All works are for sale. Portico is open 10am-5pm Tuesday to Saturday.

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING:A date for your diary. Meet your Riverhead Parish Councillors and hear about the work and achievements of the council on your behalf at the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 9 May at 7pm in Riverhead Village Hall, followed by a buffet and wine. This is a good opportunity to meet fellow residents and hear about what is going on in the village. Every household should be now have received the Chairman’s Letter and invitation. If not, contact the Parish Clerk on 01732 461278 or at

The Riverhead village news is compiled by Maggie Miles. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email it to her at:

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