Saturday, September 14th, 2024

Otford Scouts, Cubs and Beavers prepare to put their best foot forward to raise money for charity

SCOUT WALK: 15TH Otford Scout Group is holding a Sponsored Walk Sunday, 19 May, in aid of Hospice in the Weald and Sevenoaks Community First Responders. Last year scout group members walked from Otford to The Thames and raised more than £2,000 for WaterAid and Toilet Twinning.

This year the scouts are walking from Otford, starting at Telston Lane outside Yvonne’s shop, to Addington Village the location of the 1st Otford Scout Troop’s first ever Summer camp in 1914.  The route will take them 17 miles via Sevenoaks and Ightham Mote along the Darent Valley Path, The Greensand Way and The Wealdway.

Age and length of legs will dictate the distance walked, with the Beaver Scouts walking three miles, Cubs seven, and Scouts and Leaders completing the full 17 miles.

People can either donate via the virgin money link or via their website   (clicking on the donate button) or any uniformed leader will be happy to take your money.  All money raised will be split between the two charities.  Please support your local group and give generously for these worthy causes.

OTFORD VILLAGE FETE opens to the public at 11am on Bank Holiday Monday, 27 May, on the High Street Recreation Ground. Entrance for 16 years and over will be £2 per person.  If you are interested in the Dog Show, run by Elands Veterinary Clinic, arrive at the start as registration begins at 11am with the first class of the Most Handsome Dog at noon. The entry fee per dog is £5 with rosettes and prizes for the first six placed. You can also help support the Fete’s charity as there will be a class of Guide Dog Puppies at 2.30pm. The aim is for the village to raise at least £2,500 so that it can name a puppy with an Otford related name.  There are two people living in Otford who now have Guide Dogs and you can read about one of them – Howard – on the fete website  Throughout this month volunteers will be calling on residents to sell prize draw tickets so please be generous as your donations help support so many different associations within Otford.

Whatever the weather Otford Gardeners’ Society will have a stall at the Village Fete and on sale will be ornamental and edible plants raised by their own members.

OTFORD LIBRARY: Following his last sell-out talk at Otford Library, Giles Milton will be returning to the library at 7pm on 12 June to talk about his latest book D-Day, the Soldiers’ Story. Copies of the book will be available to buy at the event. Tickets cost £6 and must be booked in advance either by emailing or telephoning 03000 41 31 31. Or pop into the library to reserve your place and take a look at the history of Otford School exhibition. Don’t delay tickets are selling fast.

CRAFT MORNING: There is a craft event for young primary school children between 10.30am and 12.30pm on Saturday, 11 May in Otford Library. This event is free and there is an opportunity to enjoy making key rings so parents are encouraged to go along with their children for what promises to be a fun morning. Also at the library, if you have done a good turn in the community, ask the staff for a strip of paper which you can write or draw onto before adding it to the 2nd Otford Brownies’ Community Kindness Chain.

SEVENOAKS FLOWER CLUB will be meeting at 1.45pm on Tuesday, 14 May, in the Otford Memorial Hall when Emily Broomhead’s topic is ‘Spring is in the Air’.  She will also talk about her experiences representing the UK at the World Association of Flower Arrangers show in Barbados. Visitors are very welcome at £5 or annual membership is £37.

OTFORD PETANQUE CLUB, which plays beside the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground, is looking for new members. It offers a friendly club environment at 2.30pm every Thursday afternoon on the Otford Recreation Ground. You are invited to go along and try it out. For more info contact 01959 52424.

OTFORD EVENING WI meets at 7.30pm on Thursday, 9 May, in the Club Room of the Otford Memorial Hall for the group’s Annual Meeting. Visitors are very welcome and if more information is needed please contact their President on 01959 524831.

OTFORD AND SEAL TREFOIL GUILD is interested in enrolling new members. The guild meets once a month at 7.30pm on the third Thursday at Kemsing Library. Trips are also arranged to visit pubs, teashops, stately homes, theatres and cinemas. Please email Kay Drake on if you would like more details.

OTFORD OAST WI will be holding the next meeting at 9.30am on Thursday, 16 May, in the village Memorial Hall for an AGM.  New members are very welcome with your first meeting being free.  For more information email

HOSPICES of Hope’s Teashop in the High Street, which is now open seven days a week, is looking for volunteers to work both in their Teashop and Gift Shop.  If you could spare three or more hours a week to help please speak to Julie or Cornel 01959 524322 or to help with administrative tasks in their offices call 01959 525110 or email  The Teashop specialises in homemade cakes and what are reputed to be the best scones customers have ever tasted.  In the front shop there is an opportunity to buy clothes, toys, bric-a-brac, books, jewellery, china, glass and furniture so you can browse, and then you can enjoy refreshments whilst all the time supporting the charity which is largely staffed by volunteers.  If you would like to volunteer to work in the Teashop please speak to Julie or Cornel 01959 524322 or to help with administrative tasks in their offices call 01959 525110 or email

OTFORD HERITAGE CENTRE is open between 2.30pm and 4.30pm on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday afternoons until mid-December offering visitors to our village the opportunity to see Otford’s continuous habitation over 4,000 years with changing displays of recent history, village life, natural history and models of Otford Palace, and the interior of an Oast House as well as many others.  It is free to enter, although donations are gratefully received.  If you are interested in becoming a steward, then extra help is always welcome.

RECYCLE your ink cartridges and toners by dropping used ones into Otford Primary School or the Parish Council office, both in the High Street as by doing so you can raise money for the school.

The Otford village news is compiled by Kay Drake. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email her at:

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