Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Otford primary school children encouraged to take part in annual summer reading challenge which this year celebrates the Beano comic

SUMMER FETE: All the fun of the fair can be enjoyed at this year’s Otford Primary School’s PTFA Summer Fete which takes place from noon – 3pm on Saturday (7 July) at the school.  It will be an afternoon of music and entertainment, and summer shopping, plus there will be a BBQ and beer tent, as well as a prize draw and auction. There will also be a miniature garden competition, a large dragon bouncy castle and inflatable slide, face painting, and lots of fun games for the children to play.

OTFORD PARISH COUNCIL next meets at 7.30pm on Monday 9 July in the Club Room of the Memorial Hall. There will be an initial 10 minutes public forum for residents to air their views.  For those interested in all the activities of OPC the minutes of meetings are available in the Library, and minutes, agendas and newsletters can be obtained via the web www.otfordpckentparishes.gov.uk.

SUMMER READING CHALLENGE: During the Summer holidays each year Kent libraries run a Summer Reading Challenge.  This involves encouraging children aged 4-11 to read six books during the school holidays, collecting stickers along the way and finishing by getting a medal and a certificate.  This year the theme is ‘Mischief Makers’ celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Beano comic.  It will run from Saturday 14 July 14 to Saturday 15 September.  Otford Library is encouraging primary school aged children to go along and join the library, if they have not already done so, and participate in this annual challenge. Pop into the library and Librarian, Lorraine, will be happy to tell you all about it and join you up.

OTFORD UNITED JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB is currently looking for under 13 football players to join their team for the 2018/2019 season.  The team are an U12 side playing up an age group in the Ashford A League where they finished as runners up this season.  Home games are played on Saturdays at Hale Lane Recreation Ground.  The club is interested in hearing from current school Year 7 or 8 boys looking to play at a good standard in a successful team and for an inclusive friendly, club.  They are looking for different positions but specially a goalkeeper and defender.  For more details contact Paul 07747 762703 or email paul.schooley@oujfc.com.

GIRLGUIDING OTFORD is looking for new volunteers and have immediate vacancies for regular unit helpers to assist their uniformed leaders, particularly for Brownies and Rangers. A unit administrator is also urgently needed for the Seal St Lawrence Brownies.  If you need more information please email ggkemsingotforddistrict@gmail.com, or you can register your interest at www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested or call 0800 169 5901.  You can also see what they get up to by liking them on Facebook at Girlguiding Knole Division.

VOLUNTEER DRIVERS are still being sought by Dial 2 Drive. If you own a car and could take an elderly/disabled person to a medical appointment or shopping just one a week they would like to hear from you.  The role is flexible, it could be daily, once a week or once a month, all depending on the time the driver can offer.  Please contact them on 0300 777 1200 driving@imago.community if you would like to help.

OPEN AIR SHAKESPEARE.  Sevenoaks Shakespeare Society have been hard at work rehearsing in Otford Memorial Hall for their annual open-air production.  This year it is the magical romance The Tempest, to be performed at the White Rock Inn, Underriver at 8pm July 4-7 with a 3.30pm matinee on Sunday July 8.  If attending take along warm clothing and rugs or low-backed folding chairs to sit on. Tickets are £12 in advance from www.thewhiterockinn.co.uk 01732 833112 or the Sevenoaks Summer Festival Box Office www.stagsevenoaks.co.uk 01732 450175.

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