Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

Lunch club offers an opportunity for older Otford residents to socialise with friends old and new

OTFORD LUNCH CLUB: Would you like to join Otford Lunch Club, for older residents, which takes place from 11.45am every Thursday in the village Memorial Hall on the High Street? The Club is a welcoming place for local residents to go along and socialise with friends, old and news. It is run by a dedicated team of volunteers and members enjoy a welcoming cup of coffee or tea followed by a hot nutritious two course meal each week. It may be possible to arrange transport for those who need it.  To find out more please contact Margaret Nicholson 01959 524147.

SUMMER READING CHALLENGE: Otford children aged four to 11 years, have been taking part in the 2019 Reading Challenge at Otford Library. This year’s challenge, titled Space Chase, was inspired by the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. It runs until Saturday, 14 September and during the summer holidays, children have been challenged to read six books, collecting stickers and other incentives along the way. Those who complete the challenge will get a medal and a certificate.

KENT DAHLIA SOCIETY is holding its Annual Show between 2pm and 4pm on Sunday September 1 in Otford Memorial Hall. There will be a display of exhibition blooms, which will be available to purchase at the end of the show, refreshments and a Tombola. Entrance to the show is free.

OTFORD PARISH COUNCIL meets on the second Monday of the month in the Club Room of the village Memorial Hall. For those interested in all the activities of the parish council, the Minutes of the meetings are available in Otford Library and the Minutes, Agendas and Newsletters can be obtained via the web

ON YOUR BIKE: Members of St Bartholomew’s church in Otford will be participating in The Friends of Kent Churches Bike and Hike being held between 10am and 6pm on Saturday 14 September and potential sponsors are most welcome. They are also looking to make up a rota of people to welcome visiting cyclists and walkers to sign them in. If you can spare an hour or two, please contact the Church Office 01959 523185.  The money raised is divided between Friends of Kent Churches and the Otford parish.

FRIENDS OF THE EARTH, Sevenoaks Branch, meet on the borders of Otford and Kemsing at 8pm on the third Tuesday of each month. If you are interested in joining them contact John on 01959 524906 for more information.

GIRLGUIDING: For any girls or volunteers interested in joining Girlguiding Otford there is a website to register your interest. Log onto or call 0800 1 69 59 01. The village unit especially needs female adult volunteers, over 18, who would be interested in helping at the Guide meetings.

TWINS VISIT: If you would like to host any of Otford’s Hardelot Twins on the weekend of 27/29 September and/or join the coach trip to Hampton Court on Saturday 28 September, please contact Jane Lawrey c/o the Parish Council office on 01959 524808, as soon as possible.

The Otford village news is compiled by Kay Drake. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the My Sevenoaks Community village column you can email her at:

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