Host of Sevenoaks’ dignitaries descend on Weald’s award-winning community shop
SHOP TALK: The Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon MP and several Sevenoaks District and Parish Councillors dropped into Weald Community Shop last Friday morning, to see for themselves how the shop is making a difference to village life. Manager Ian Walker welcomed Sir Michael and thanked him for pulling himself away from pressing matters at Westminster to come to Weald.
Ian said: “We’ve been in business for 18 months after the only shop in the village closed and we now have a crew of 50 volunteers. We have an annual turnover of about £100,000 and we make a small profit which goes back into the community.”
Talking over coffee and cake, Sir Michael commented: “I can see that you’ve created so much more than a shop – it’s a real community centre at the heart of the village and it exemplifies community spirit. Congratulations to all involved.”
Councillor Pat Bosley, chairman of Sevenoaks District Council, and her husband Councillor Ian Bosley also came to Weald and took time out to do some shopping. Cr Bosley said: “We’ve come to see the Best Business in the Community award winners, and we can see exactly why Weald Community
Shop won that award.”
FLYING HIGH: Ashley Jones recently gave a talk to CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) at St George’s Church, Weald, about his abiding passion for Spitfires.His presentation included a 15 minute film that was shown in the Church using the new AV system to great effect, especially with the sound of the Merlin engine.
The talk lasted about 40 minutes and illustrated the background to Ashley’s lifelong interest in Spitfires, all the way from childhood memories of model making, a history lesson from his headmaster at Solefield School, who had flown a Spitfire in the battle of Britain, many years of attending the Biggin Hill Airshow and right up to the excitement of his dream coming true when he was able to fly in one of the aircraft last September.
EVERYTHING IN THE GARDEN IS LOVELY: Weald Hortcultural Society’s final talk in its winter series attracted another strong turn-out for a presentation by Jane Streatfeild, Kent County Organiser for the National Garden Scheme. Familiar to many through the yellow guides, the scheme is a wonderful initiative that dates back to 1927, when it was founded to raise money for charity.
Initially, the aim was to fund district nurses, which were in short supply then, but over the years the charitable remit has widened to include Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie, Hospice UK and other
caring and nursing organisations. Last year, the scheme donated a record £3.1 million to these charities.
Weald residents can look forward to visiting the village’s own ‘modest plots’ in May at the annual open gardens event during Christian Aid week and, on Tuesday 11 June and Saturday 14 September, Long Barn opens its garden to raise funds for the Hospice in the Weald. For information about this and other open gardens for the Hospice please contact katherine.cracknell@hospiceintheweald.org.uk or
visit the website: www.hospiceintheweald.org.uk
NOT TO BE SNEEZED AT: Brenda Mathews will be the speaker at Women of Weald’s monthly meeting on Wednesday 3 April. She began collecting souvenir and commemorative handkerchief’s as a child and will be showcasing some of them during her talk entitled, ‘They’re not to be sneezed at’. She’ll begin with showing one from the 1950s printed with a Sussex view and recount the stories behind some of the 4,500 she owns. The afternoon starts with a short meeting a 2.15pm and finishes with afternoon tea. Visitors are welcome to attend.
Tuesday 2 April: ‘Sew and Company’ – Memorial Hall 12.45- 2.45pm
Wednesday 3 April: Brenda Mathews ‘ ‘They’re not to be sneezed at’ -WOW’s meetng in the Memorial Hall from 2.15pm
Friday 5 April: Children break up for the Easter holidays.
Sevenoaks Weald Art Group in the Memorial Hall at 9.30am
Saturday 6 April: Village walk departing 9.45 from the Memorial Hall.
WHS Spring Show in the Memorial Hall at 3pm
Monday 8 April: Weald History Group talk – Ian Porter ‘Young Dickens and his London’ in the Memorial Hall at 2pm.
Friday 12 April: Sevenoaks Weald Art Group in the Memorial Hall 9.30am.
Saturday 13 April & Sunday 14 April: How Green Nursery (TN8 7PS) first Open Day of 2019
Monday 15 April: CAMEO Easter Tea Party in the Church Hall from 3pm – 4.30pm.
Tuesday 16 April: ‘Sew and Company’ – Memorial Hall 12.45 – 2.45pm.
Tuesday 23 April: Children go back to school
Wednesday 24 April: Weald Parish Council meeting in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.
Thursday 25 April: ‘Soup & Scrabble’ in the Memorial Hall from noom – 2.30pm
Junior Film Club (7-11) at St George’s Church from 5pm, pick up at 6.45pm.
Friday 26 April: Teen Screens (ages 12-15) at St George’s Church from 6.45pm.
Bingo evening in aid of cancer in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.
Saturday 27 April: St George’s coffee morning in the church rooms from 10am – noon.
The Weald Village news is compiled by Susan Gidman. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the village column you can call her on 01732 454222 or email it to her at: wealdnews@hotmail.com