Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

Free family fun day to be held at Anthony Roper Primary School

A FAMILY FUN DAY, organised by Sevenoaks District Council, is being held at the Anthony Roper Primary School on Friday 9 August. They The fun days include everything from crafts to games and sport in a friendly, safe environment and they are free to attend. No booking is needed, simply turn up, but children must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. Activities are aimed at children under 12 years of age, but they may not be suitable for very young children. You are advised to bring waterproof clothing and sunscreen and the district council recommends you check:


or their twitter account @sdc_newsdesk before setting off as the programme may change at short notice, especially if there’s poor weather. The days are funded and organised by Sevenoaks District Council, run by Imago with support from town and parish councils who are providing the venues.

EYNSFORD IN BLOOM: The annual South & and South East in Bloom Awards event takes place on Friday 13 September. Eynsford is allowed two tickets for representatives to attend based on village size but it is possible for other people to get tickets on a first come first served basis for the volunteers. Work for the working parties goes on and volunteers will continue to meet in the main village car park opposite the church at 9.30 am. The next dates are 9.30am on Tuesdays 6,13,20,27 August; Thursday evenings at 6pm to 8pm on 1,8,15,22,29 August; Saturdays 9.30am 3 August and 7 September. New helpers are always most welcome, and tools and coffee are provided. For more information call Pauline Penny on: 01322 864751

FARNINGHAM W.I: Members will be hearing about ‘The Roaring Twenties’ at their next meeting on Thursday, 1 August will be about ‘The Roaring Twenties’. Plus, a date for your diaries, on 14 September there will be a Macmillan fund raiser coffee morning at Farningham village hall. Farningham WI’s regular meetings are held on the First Thursday of every month at 7.30 pm in the village hall

VILLAGE HALLS WEEK: Preparations are already underway for a national celebration of village halls which is being held from 20-26 January 2020. The celebrations include the volunteers, users and the services the halls offer their communities.

Have you any ideas about how to make National Village Halls week special for Eynsford and Farningham?

Many local residents will have been to stage shows, parties, clubs, exhibitions, social gatherings and fund raisers in the village halls. But can you think of any other activities which would encourage more people to make better use of the facilities?

Please share any thoughts, ideas strategies or even criticisms and how we might improve and widen the appeal and uses of village halls across a wider range of the local people. Send your ideas to Viv Parker, Chair of Farningham Village Hall at: vivienneparker913@gmail.com

Or call: 01322 862330

FARNINGHAM VILLAGE HALL needs a fund raiser/social secretary. Volunteers are needed to help with fund-raising events like a quiz or show or sale to help raise funds for maintenance of the hall. The Hall is used every week during the year by local people and community groups for many different activities, like yoga, dance, music, meetings, performances and productions. Volunteering provides an opportunity to use your talents, develop your skills, meet new people and make a useful contribution to the local community. Can you offer a few hours to volunteer as the social secretary? For more information contact Viv Parker by calling 01322 862330 or email: vivienneparker913@gmail.com

A COFFEE & CRAFT MORNING is held in St Martin’s Church Eynsford on the last Wednesday of every month. The next one is on 31 July between 10am -12.30pm. Visitors are invited to enjoy a coffee, cake, craft and chat. Take along your knitting, sewing, crafting or just yourself. There are jigsaw puzzles for you to try, or just come and chat in a friendly atmosphere. Free entry. For more info contact Joscelyne Hynard by email on: jos.hynard@talktalk.net

FRIENDS OF FARNINGHAM is a group of volunteers who meet for just an hour twice every month to help tidy the village. The group meets at the village hall at 10am on Thursdays 25 July, 29 August, and 26 September. The next Saturdays are 13 July, 10 August, and 7 September. If you would like to volunteer email Cllr Carol Salmon on: carolsalmon46@gmail.com or Jane Grey on: farninghamparishcouncil@gmail.com

A FARNINGHAM FRIDAY CAFÉ is held at the Shand Hall, just behind Farningham Church, from 10am – noon every Friday. Everyone is invited to come and share a coffee or tea with old friends or new. For more information email: farninghamcfc@outlook.com

FARNINGHAM & EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY: The next meeting is on 20 September and will focus on the influence that Dartford has had in shaping the world around us. The Centre between the Riverside club and Common Meadow is open every Monday from 9.30am – noon.  The society can be contacted by email at: archives@felhs.org.uk

TEA AND CHAT: A friendly group meets every Thursday at Farningham Village Hall and offers a supportive and enjoyable break to anyone who is lonely or perhaps just needs a little time away from their house or would like to meet some new friends, chat and share some cake and tea. For more information email: stella.baggaley05@btinternet.com

A DEMENTIA CAFÉ is held every second Friday of the month (not August) and welcomes anyone living with dementia, friends, relatives and carers. Contact Ferne Haxby for details on 07980820216.

The Eynsford & Farningham Village news is compiled by Viv Parker. If you have any news or events you would like considered for the village column you can email them to: vivienneparker913@gmail.com

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