Diary dates for Weald events in January
Here are some diary dates for this month (January). If you have other events you would like added to the Weald Calendar now and throughout the year make sure you let Weald Village Correspondent Susan Gidman know by using the contact details at the bottom of this column.
Friday 10 January: ‘Teddies’ (for mothers/carers with babies and toddlers) in the Church Rooms from 9.15 – 10.45am.
Sevenoaks Weald Art Group in the Memorial Hall – 09.30
Monday 13 January: Weald Keep Fit classes run by WOW (Women of Weald) at 9.50am in the Memorial Hall.
CAMEO at St George’s Church from 2.30 – 4.30pm. Brian and Jan Saunders will be giving an illustrated on their visit to Botswana.
Friday 17 January: ‘Teddies’ (for mothers/carers with babies and toddlers) in the Church Rooms from 9.15 – 10.45am
Sevenoaks Weald Art Group in the Memorial Hall – 9.30am
Monday 20 January: Weald Keep Fit classes run by WOW at 9.50am in the Memorial Hall.
Wednesday 22 January: Weald Parish Council meeting in the Memorial Hall at 19.30.
Thursday 23 January: Soup & Scrabble in the Memorial Hall from noon – 2.30pm (cost £5 on the day).
Friday 24 January: ‘Teddies’ (for mothers/carers with babies and toddlers) in the Church Rooms from 9.15 – 10.45am.
Sevenoaks Weald Art Group in the Memorial Hall – 9.30am
Saturday 25 January: History Group lunch at the Carpenter’s Arms at 12.15pm.
Sunday 26 January: Coffee morning: St George’s Church rooms 10am – noon.
Monday 27 January: Weald Keep Fit classes run by WOW at 9.50am in the Memorial Hall.
Wednesday 29 January: Horticultural Society talk – ‘65 years in Horticulture’ by Jim Buttress in the Memorial Hall at 8pm.
Friday 31 January: ‘Teddies’ (for mothers/carers with babies and toddlers) in the Church Rooms from 9.15 – 10.45am.
Sevenoaks Weald Art Group in the Memorial Hall – 9.30am.
The Weald Village news is compiled by Susan Gidman. If you have any news or events you would like her to consider for the village column you can call her on 01732 454222 or email: newwealdnews@outlook.com