Friday, July 26th, 2024

Could a Personal Trainer be the tonic you need this new year?

With January here again, most of us are starting the new year with a general lack of energy from having over indulged on rich foods, chocolate and alcohol over the festive period. Fear not though, as we are all on that ‘train’ together! The desperate quest to shed those unwanted Christmas pounds with a new diet and fitness regime can be difficult to navigate with the overwhelming abundance of fad plans that promise quick fixes and dramatic transformations. Don’t be fooled though, as most new year diet crazes should be seen as red flags for their unrealistic and unmaintainable approaches, which will undoubtedly take you down a miserable path to ‘struggle street’!

What if it wasn’t a tortuous transformation plan that you needed, what if it was simply a lifestyle change that incorporated some simple, realistic tweaks to your routine in order to not only reshape your physical health, but your mental health too? We all know that the hardest part to any lifestyle change is starting, and after that it is failing to stick to those changes that see us giving up and falling off the wagon before the month is up. Sound familiar? Before we know it we are back in a rut and slaves to our old bad habits, being lured into yet more fad plans in a desperate race to get in shape in time for summer.

This is where getting a personal trainer onboard can work wonders. Whether you aspire to lose fat, gain muscle, or simply get fitter to carry out daily activities, having a trainer to guide you through every step is a great anchor in order to stay committed, achieve your goals, and most importantly help boost your confidence and focus. Exercise truly is a tonic for everyone!

Starting your fitness journey this January offers a brilliant foundation to build your strength throughout the rest of the year. Session by session a personal trainer such as myself will work with you to get you to where you want to be. Remember that your current state is a mere line in the sand. Combined with the correct nutritional guidance and coaching, we can get you on track to feeling fitter and stronger week by week.

No matter what your starting point is, if you would like to have a chat, please get in touch with me at I am a Sevenoaks based certified personal trainer, offering both gym and home based sessions for all ages and levels. Whether you wish to train individually or would feel more comfortable in a pair, I offer an affordable package price, along with an initial free 30 minute consultation where we can have a chat about your goals going forward.


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