Friday, February 14th, 2025

Can you help repair damage caused by leak at village cricket club?

FARNINGHAM CRICKET CLUB APPEAL. Farningham Cricket Club recently completed a renovation of the ladies facilities in an effort to attract and develop a ladies cricket section. Following the work it became apparent (from the sopping wet newly plastered walls) that there was a leak. The heavy May downpours revealed a problem with part of the pavilion roof. This is going to be costly in time and money to repair.  The Cricket club is a big part of the local community with almost 80 junior members and parents attending on a Thursday evening alongside the senior teams and members. The club has seen a revival in recent years and the committee is keen to push this on so is appealing to the community to help to fund repairs. Any advice on sources of funding and help for the club would be very much appreciated. Please contact Oliver Butler at

FRIENDS OF FARNINGHAM is a group of volunteers who meet at 10am at the Village Hall for just an hour twice every month alternate Saturdays or Wednesdays to help tidy the village. The next meetings are 28 July; 8 & 25 Aug; 11 & 29 Sept; 10 & 27 Oct. Feel free to go along with some gloves and tools. Contact Cllr Carol Salmon at or Jane Grey at

FARNINGHAM FRIDAY CAFÉ is open at the Shand Hall every Friday morning, just behind Farningham Church, 10 – 12am. Everyone is invited to come and share a coffee or tea with old friends or new.  Contact

ANTHONY ROPER FUN DAYS are being held on 6 & 20 August at the Anthony Roper Primary School.

PANSY PARADE CHARITY QUILT FOR OVARIAN CANCER. Eynsford’s ‘Sew n Sews’ patchwork quilting group has made a beautiful bed-size quilt ornamented with lovely pansies to be raffled in September in aid of raising funds and awareness for Target Ovarian Cancer. The group have raised over £2,000 for ovarian cancer and the aim now is to raise £3,000. The group is happy to display the quilt to any small local group interested and at any local events, to bring awareness leaflets and sell raffle tickets all in aid of the Charity.  Please contact  Photos and more details can be seen on

FRIENDS OF ST BOTOLPH’S CHURCH invites you to meet Richard Griffin, a recently retired Royal Protection Officer, on Tuesday 11 Sept at 2pm at the church at Lullingstone . Tickets are £12.50 from Valerie Wells on 01322 860868.

TEA AND CHAT. This friendly group meets every Thursday at Farningham Village Hall and offers a supportive and enjoyable break to anyone who is lonely or perhaps just needs a little time away from their house or would like to meet some new friends, chat and share some cake and tea. Contact

FARNINGHAM VILLAGE HALL. Now the Farningham Friday Market has closed there is a regular Friday morning slot available for any new hirer. Please contact Micaela Levachov for further information on 07530297707 or

FARNINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL. Could you become a parish councillor?  It offers the opportunity to contribute to the local community, develop your skills and understanding of local affairs and influence decisions. These experiences can add to your CV and help develop your employment opportunities.  There are two vacancies. For information contact Mrs Jane Gray on 01322866066 or email

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