Exhibition of Great War memorabilia on display during day of reflection in Weald on Remembrance Sunday
WEALD AND THE GREAT WAR: On Sunday 11 November the Remembrance Service at St George’s Church will start at 10.30am. There will be a two-minute silence at 11am and this will be followed by the laying of wreaths at Weald War Memorial. At 3pm there will be another two-minute silence at the flagpole on the Green after which people are invited to an afternoon of reflection in the Memorial Hall featuring an exhibition of memorabilia of the Great War and the installation of a ‘specially designed and stitched fabric commemorative wall hanging. The fabric piece features five strips of ‘medals’ with buttons from the regiments of the men who were killed, alongside their names. The village before the war is represented as well as the effect the war had. The film ‘Distance’ will be shown at 3.30pm and 4.30pm. Afternoon teas will be available all afternoon. Copies of a new book by Sheila Hocking, ‘Weald and the Great War’, about the villagers who went to war and those who remained behind and what happened to them will be launched and available to purchase. Villagers and visitors are invited to bring along family photos, cards or other items to share.
At 5pm a beacon will be lit on the field at Panthurst on Hubbards Hill.
And a reminder that the ‘There but not there’ figures will be in St George’s church (until 10 November) and are available to view from 9am.
TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Long Barn Road, Sevenoaks Weald will be closed from Boswell Road for approximately 90 metres from 26 November 2018 for up to 12 days. The alternative route is via Bowzell Road, Bowzell Green, Baileys* Hill Road, Bore Place Road, B2027 Tonbridge Road, Hale Oak Road and vice versa. The closure is to enable ducting works to be carried out by BT Openreach.
ANNUAL CHARITY LUNCH: In the lead up to Christmas there are a range of craft fairs/charity events starting with the annual St George’s Charity Lunch on Saturday 24 November in the Church Hall from noon to 2pm. Lunch will be soup and hot-dogs followed by mince pies, tea and coffee then a chance to peruse the stalls staffed by different charities and selling items to support their work. There will be a silent auction (including a ‘Westwood farm visit with cream tea’ and a ‘meal for two at the Windmill) as well as a raffle, cakes, cards and, of course, Santa Claus. SThe event itself is supporting four different charities with the aim of helping them to provide a Christmas lunch/celebration for the people they work alongside. Two of the charities are abroad (MAF and The Gathering) and two in the UK (Waterloo Night Shelter and Crisis at Christmas).
DOGS TRANSFORMING LIVES: A Christmas Craft Fair is being held in Weald Memorial Hall on Saturday 8 December in support of Canine Partners, a charity that provides working dogs to support people with a variety of disabilities and who need everyday support. The organiser, Ragna Tulloch, has brought together a number of local crafts people to give visitors the opportunity to buy some unique Christmas gifts from pottery, glassware, enamel pieces, decoupage, patchwork, hand painted silk scarves, cakes, chutneys, jams, sweets, Christmas floral arrangements and more. The event runs from 10am – 1pm and entry is free. Teas and coffees will be available and there is a raffle. If you would like more information please contact Ragna on 01732 463363
SCHOOL CHRISTMAS FAYRE: Weald School’s Christmas fund raiser is on a Sunday 9 December from noon – 2.30pm to avoid clashing with another event the day before. An intriguingly named ‘Turkey Trot’ will take place on the Village Green at 11.30am and costs £3 per entry. There is a 2k Fun Run or Walk, plus mulled wine, tombola, Christmas games, gingerbread, a Christmas jumper competition, hot food, home produce, and crafts.
LIVING ADVENT CALENDAR: Last December, Rachel and Matthew Yates organised an extremely successful ‘Living’ Advent calendar throughout the village and the same is being planned for this year. Last year, 24 households, businesses or community buildings in Weald village illuminated a window with festive decorations throughout December and into January. One window was ‘opened’ each day at 6.30pm and remained illuminated until Twelfth Night. It’s a great way to visit the village and have a drink in the Windmill afterwards when you can meet new landlords Richard and Kay.
CAROL SERVICE: Each year, for the village Carol Service at St George’s Church, Julia Downing, the Director of Music invites anyone who is not a regular choir member, but who loves singing to come and join the group. The Carol Service is on Sunday 16 December at 6.30pm and there will be rehearsals leading up to it. Dates for the rehearsals are on Monday 26 November 7.30pm, Friday 7 December 7.30pm, Monday 10 December 7.30pm, Thursday 13 December 7.30pm, Sunday 16 December 3pm. If anyone is interested in singing please contact julia.downing792@btinternet.com